Facebook and Statuses By: Ryan Ammerman
Fired or Not The problem is that many people have facebooks and set their statuses about how they feel. The problem with that is if you work for a company and happen to slander your boss should you or should you not be punished or fired. The problem is that many people have facebooks and set their statuses about how they feel. The problem with that is if you work for a company and happen to slander your boss should you or should you not be punished or fired.
Jonathan Kreisberg Jonathan Kreisberg regional director of the National Labor Act in Hartford Connecticut. Says that you are allowed to talk about terms and conditions with employees or anyone else on facebook because your are protected under the National Labor Act. Jonathan Kreisberg regional director of the National Labor Act in Hartford Connecticut. Says that you are allowed to talk about terms and conditions with employees or anyone else on facebook because your are protected under the National Labor Act.
National Labor Act This Act gives workers the right to form unions and it prohibits employers from taking action against employees -- union or non-union -- for discussing working conditions. This Act gives workers the right to form unions and it prohibits employers from taking action against employees -- union or non-union -- for discussing working conditions.
Court Case National labor Relations board issued a complaint against a Conneticuit company for firing an employee after she posted critical comments about her supervisor on Facebook. National labor relations board is accusing the company of illegally firing the person and denying her access to union representation during an investigatory review. National labor Relations board issued a complaint against a Conneticuit company for firing an employee after she posted critical comments about her supervisor on Facebook. National labor relations board is accusing the company of illegally firing the person and denying her access to union representation during an investigatory review.
Labor Board The labor board is a federal agency that oversees union elections and investigates claims of unfair labor practices. The labor board is a federal agency that oversees union elections and investigates claims of unfair labor practices.