GCAA spring academy 2015 U6
Why are we here? We are here to help align all teams in all ages to adhere to the GCAA soccer curriculum so that learning is thorough and consistent throughout the academies. This will help player transition as they get older or step up to the next level. Also we are here to offer support and guidance throughout the academy to help you as coaches. GCAA realise that some of you may have coached before and some this may be your 1 st season. Also your knowledge of soccer may vary from 1 coach to the next. This can cause big variations in teachings and we feel that it is unfair to send coaches into the firing line without being properly equipped. We would like to be there for any questions you may have, teach and guide you to having productive coaching sessions each week and provide the correct soccer knowledge so YOU can coach your teams/players affectively.
What are your roles as coaches? 1.To help set up and organise session layouts according to Brookridge plan 2.Ensure safety of all participants before, during and after activities 3.Work as a team to implement session plan 4.Be enthusiastic and understand needs of age group 5.Motivate and encourage participants 6.Ensure your group follow the time scales as set out in Brookridge session plan 7.Maintain regular fluid breaks to the needs of the group and weather conditions 8.Be responsible for group of participants given to your specific field and keep them organised 9.To assist with collection of equipment and make sure fields are tidy
What are Brookridges’ roles? 1.To provide all necessary equipment 2.Check health and safety of playing fields and ensure weather conditions are playable and safe 3.To assist with setup of sessions 4.To clarify session planned objectives and provide advice and guidance 5.To monitor all coaches and players and assist as and when required 6.To ensure all participants are encourage to be fully involved in the session 7.To provide relevant information to all parents and coaches 8.To end session prior to end time and congregate participants and coaches for debrief 9.To lead debrief 10.To ensure all participants are collected by their parents or guardian prior to leaving site 11.To lead coaches debrief post session and obtain feedback/ offer advice 12.Ensure all equipment is properly stored and accounted for 13.Ensure storage is locked and secure
Step by step guide 1.Coach to be on site 15 minutes prior to start of session 2.Meet Brookridge staff member at correct location 3.Equipment will be at the field, Help with any set up as required 4.Discuss session plan with Brookridge staff member 5.Brookridge staff to call in group of players 6.Session intro 7.Players to be divided and sent to a given field 8.Coaches are assigned to a field 9.Coaches to lead session according to Brookridges plan including warm up, drills and scrimmage (Unless Brookridge staff instruct otherwise) 10.Brookridge staff will monitor all 3 fields and offer assistance/ advice where required 11. All incidents to be raised with Brookridge staff immediately 12.Brookridge staff to finish session and call in all kids for debrief (Kids to collect cones) 13.All coaches to attend 5-10 min post session debrief taken by Brookridge staff
Session Layout All sessions are located on the GCAA u12 soccer field. (This is the large one at the centre of the complex). Sessions are to be set up in each individual field for your group. You should prepare all necessary equipment and have ready by side of field. (extra cones, pennies etc.) 2 fields will be set up and spread across the field. Each field will be 24 yards long and 18yards wide with a 2 yard goal at each end. The picture below will demonstrate how set up will look. Field 1 Field 2
Expectations All coaches should be dressed appropriately for sessions, ex. – sports sneakers, no jeans or restrictive clothing Have necessary coaching equipment, ex. – whistle, watch, NO PHONES Act in a professional manner at all times during sessions Turn up promptly for all sessions and allow ample time at end of session for all participants to be collected Avoid any distractions during session so focus is on participants at all times Provide positive instructions to participants during sessions Game Rules 1 ball to be used per field Stop play when ball leaves field of play Players to restart play in correct manner (Throw ins from side lines, kick ins from goal line) 1 coach to control each team All games to be 3v3 or 4v4