Tribal in Kannur district Kannur district has a tribal population of around 38,000 distributed in 200 tribal hamlets. Peravur, Irikkur and Iritty block panchayat abodes around 70 % of tribes in Kannur Tribal sects in Kannur include Paaniyan, Kurichiyan, Mavilan, Karimpalan, Malavettuvan and Kanikaran
In order to assess the condition of tribal’s in Kannur, a Prilimnery health assessment survey was carried out in a Paaniya tribal colony near Kottiyoor on The tribal hamlet had 33 houses in 3 clusters by the side of Kottiyoor River.
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General information Number of house holds were visited-33 Number people were enlisted- 170 ( 87 females, 83 males) Number of under five children -14 children (5 females 9 males)
Housing condition Positives Majority owned houses Most were made of stones and bricks with concrete roof Floor- 50% cement Negatives Overcrowding – 45% (12 out of 27 houses) Fuel used- wood Traditional cooking place mostly inside House very near to river- more prone to flash floods and landslides
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Water and sanitation Drinking water source – Up hill cluster – spring Downhill cluster- a ditch dug out in opposite river bank Latrines less than 50% houses has latrine only 2 uses it All practice open defecation in river
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Processions Telephones in 17 houses 7 houses have television 18 (54.5%) houses don’t have electricity 12 (33.4%) families don’t have ration cards Only 2 houses subscribe news paper No Bank account for 17 (51.2%) families
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Education and occupation The education status of the community was found to be was poor particularly of the women. 41% of the population are illiterate All tribal in the colony are manual laborers and they depend on forest resources for their daily living. The daily wages were lower than the norm in the area.
Child health Majority of under 5 children had low birth weight.
Under nutrition among under 5 years No of children Under nourished Severely under weight StuntingSevere stunting Males85 (62.5%)2(25%)4(50%)3 (37.2%) Females33 (100%)1(33.3%)2(67%)1 (33%) Total118 (74%)3 (27%)6 (55%)4 (36.3)
Child health The immunization coverage was found to be good. There is a practice of delayed breast feeding at time of birth was not observed Exclusive breast feeding is practiced for 6 months at least by most women. However the weaning is often delayed because of the postponement of a cultural ritual associated with weaning due to financial constraints. Even though children are enrolled in anganwadi, the utilization is irregular due to distance
Anemia was prevalent among under 5 children and adolescent girls
Maternal health Child marriage is common (3 out of 12 mothers) The pregnant women do not increase their food intake during pregnancy. Non utilization of supplementary nutrition through anganvadi
Maternal health Utilizes the antenatal care services provided through PHC which is about 8 Km from the hamlet. They are taking iron folic acid tablets regularly Most of the deliveries in past 5 years were hospital deliveries No Maternal deaths were reported in past 5 years.
Diseases Diarrheal episodes are common At least 3 families had members suffering from hepatitis Anemia is prevalent among children and mothers Skin diseases like pyoderma is common There is one case of mental retardation and one case of psychiatric disease
Addictions Alcoholism is prevalant among males Use of smokeless tobacoo is seen among males females and adoloscents
Summary of health problems Childhood protein energy malnutrition Anemia Sanitation Safe drinking water Prone to disaster like land slides and flash flood Prone to epidemics like hepatitis and other water borne epidemics Lack of education Lack of health awareness Addictions
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