MAP-21 and Other Issues FHWA Update IFTA/IRP Manager’s / Law Enforcement Workshop September 2012
FHWA Update 2012 Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21 st Century Act (MAP-21) Passed June 29, 2012 Signed into law July 6, 2012 Replaces SAFETEA-LU Expired September 30, 2009 10 Extensions Until June 30, 2012
FHWA Update 2012 MAP-21 Themes Strengthens America’s highway and public transportation systems Creates jobs and supports economic growth Supports the US DOT’s aggressive safety agenda Simplifies and focuses the Federal program Accelerates project delivery and promotes innovation Establishes a performance-based Federal program
FHWA Update 2012 Stable funding Program authorized through FY 14 Current law through end of FY 12 Most new provisions go into effect on October 1 st Avg. annual funding at FY 12 levels (plus minor inflation) Extends Highway Trust Fund taxes and ensures 2 years of solvency for Highway Trust Fund Substantial programmatic consolidation No earmarks Most discretionary programs eliminated
FHWA Update 2012 Data Reporting Under MAP-21 apportionments to States more reliant on Motor Fuel data from States Accuracy of reported data becomes more important FHWA Office of Highway Policy Information will expand use of web conferencing to help with reporting questions Communication between State revenue and transportation agencies remains critical
FHWA Update 2012 Future Alternatives to fuel tax? Research Communication Interjurisdictional Cooperation Situational Awareness
FHWA Update 2012 THANK YOU! Michael J. Dougherty 1200 New Jersey Ave, SE E Washington, DC (202)