1 Purchasing Services
2 Objectives To get to know our customers and introduce the Purchasing team To learn more about your faculty procurement needs To address your questions and concerns relating to the procurement process at McGill Purchasing Presentation
3 Introduction of Purchasing Team Normand Laguë – e-Procurement Project Manager Suzanne Boyd – e-Procurement Project Coordinator & Buyer Pierre Leblanc – Senior Buyer – Office and IT Products Nancy Duplessis – Senior Buyer – Scientific Products Pierre Landry and Frederic Beaudry – Senior Buyers - CFI Anna Gentile – Buyer – Facilities Management & Development Linda Rosser, Maureen Turvey & Crystal Yu – Support Staff Kathy Zendehbad – Associate Director Purchasing Presentation
4 Reengineering of the Purchasing Processes Why? To support the University’s renewed focus on governance and control To promote institutional fairness, transparency and accountability To comply with the Regulations Relating to the Approval of Contracts and Signing Authority To adopt best business purchasing practices Purchasing Presentation
5 Reengineering of the Purchasing Processes Examples of best purchasing practices Purchase through McGill contracted vendors Public tendering for all acquisitions valued at more than $100K Follow an adequate purchasing cycle Issue a purchase order to the vendor prior to the receipt of goods/services Purchasing Presentation
6 Reengineering of the Purchasing Processes Follow an adequate purchasing cycle 1.Requestor obtains quotations (ideally from more than one vendor) 2.Requestor completes a purchase requisition (departmental/financial approvals) 3.Purchasing Services reviews the purchase requisition 4.Purchasing Services creates a purchase order (PO) 5.Purchasing Services obtains the approval(s) of the designated signing officer(s) 6.Purchasing Services issues the PO to the selected vendor 7.Vendor delivers the goods/services 8.Requestor acknowledges reception of the goods/services 9.McGill issues payment Purchasing Presentation
7 Reengineering of the Purchasing Processes Why is it important to issue a PO prior to receiving the goods/services? Reserve and encumber the funds in advance Comply with financial approvals Comply with the Regulations Relating to the Approval of Contracts and Signing Authority Establish the terms and conditions of purchase → Protect the University’s best interest Purchasing Presentation –
8 Communication Channels We want to communicate with our customers… Purchasing web site: Purchasing listserv Purchasing newsletter Departmental visits Procurement training courses (under development) → and we seek your feedback Purchasing Presentation
9 MMP - McGill MarketPlace McGill MarketPlace MMP What is the McGill MarketPlace? Where can I find it? Why should I use it? How do I get trained? Purchasing Presentation
10 MMP - McGill MarketPlace What is MMP? Web based online ordering system Including over 30 vendors Hosted catalog or punchout A variety of products from test tubes to toner cartridges Virtual shopping mall Operational in 56 campuses across North America Purchasing Presentation
11 MMP - McGill MarketPlace Where can I find it? → Minerva → Finance (Fund) Administration → McGill MarketPlace FIS Users Valid PCard Purchasing Presentation
12 MMP - McGill MarketPlace Why should I use it? Single user ID and password Shop from multiple online catalogs from contracted McGill vendors or other preferred vendors, using the popular "shopping cart" model Search for products by keyword, part number, category or vendor Purchasing Presentation
13 MMP - McGill MarketPlace Why should I use it? Compare products from different vendors before purchasing Save a list of favorite products, i.e. frequently ordered products, for faster online shopping View order history and details → Will replace the Banner and Minerva purchase requisition form Purchasing Presentation
14 MMP - McGill MarketPlace How do I get trained? Purchasing website Online video Printable how to’s Individual training Faculty/departmental visit Purchasing Presentation
15 MMP - McGill MarketPlace Questions? Suzanne Boyd Tel: Normand Laguë Tel: Purchasing Presentation
16 Purchasing Services Thank you!