Write a note to your student using an index card.
Welcome to Curriculum Night Richard Pysher 5 th Grade
Grew up in New York State. Taught 4 th grade for 7 years at Cerritos. Teaching is a second profession. Worked office jobs in New York City, Washington, DC, and Phoenix. No children, but have 4 dogs. Ride bike to work when possible.
Library Monday (Please return books each week!) Computer Lab Tuesday Music Wednesday P.E. Thursday (tennis shoes) Art Friday Snack 9:00(ish) Healthy snacks, please. Lunch 11:40-12:20 Recess 11:40-12:00, Lunch 12:00-12:20 School Hours 7:45-2:35 - we start learning at 7:45! Wednesday until 12:35
Birthdays We will celebrate by recognizing students on announcements! Please do not send treats. Dress Code No open backs, spaghetti straps, shorts and skirts must be fingertip length, careful with dresses, appropriate sayings and images. Transportation Notify office of changes and they will let me know. Lunch Money Send money/check in, or pay online Classroom Interruptions Office will call room regarding items.
Behavioral Expectations Raise your hand before speaking Respect others materials and privacy Be polite and respectful of others Stay focused and on-task Transition quickly, quietly, and safely Proactive Post-It Notes Stop and Think Sheets Academic Expectations Do your best, always try Have a positive attitude Pay attention Ask questions when you are unsure Participate in class discussions Have tests and quizzes signed and corrected
Website Newsletters Listserv address Phone:
Math program includes: The Investigations program is our primary focus with explorations into math topics, problem-solving and inventive thinking about math. Scott Foresman/Addison Wesley Mathematics program provides more traditional activities and practice questions. Fosnot Major topics include: Number Sense, fractions, decimals, percents, data and analysis, geometry, measurement, multiplication and division. Writing: Writer’s Workshop Reading: Harcourt Trophies Reading adoption/Trade books
Students will cover a broad scientific curriculum including: Earth, Space and Planets Pong Sat Launch 9/27/14 ( Biomes Force and Motion (Simple Machines) Body Systems Physical & Chemical Properties of Matter Human Growth and Development
Students will study the following topics: States & Regions Maps/Globes/Time Lines European Exploration Colonization The American Revolution The American Civil War Civics/Government Economics
Expectations: Assigned Monday – Thursday Assignments should not take longer than 45 minutes excluding studying and projects. Homework should be neat, legible, and complete. Work should be completed independently yet assistance may be provided once initial attempt has been made. In addition to nightly homework, students should be independently reading for 30 minutes a night. Consequences: Missing or incomplete work should be completed the following day during the student’s recess or break time. Parents are contacted if the problem persists.
(Math in particular)
SMART Goals: S= Specific M=Measurable A=Achievable R=Realistic T=Time Sensitive Academic and Personal Data Sheets
= A = B = C = D 59 and lower = F Parent Portal (published grades) Parent Portal (published grades) ParentVue StudentVue
If you have not signed up for Listserv please do so soon to get all school and district communications
If you had questions during the presentation, please write them down on the paper provided at your desk. Please include you name and phone number or address. I will contact you to answer your questions.