Presentation created by Tracy Trimpe The Science Spot - Images from unless otherwise noted. Brushfooted Part #1 (Family Nymphalidae)
American Lady Top – Inner mark orange Bottom – Large eyespots Caterpillars:
Painted Lady Top – Inner white marks Bottom – Small eyespots Caterpillar:
Buckeye Large eyespots on upper side Caterpillar:
Great-Spangled Fritillary Large butterflies that fly very fast Have a light band near edge of wings Caterpillar:
Regal Fritillary Endangered butterfly in Illinois Similar to great-spangled, but with more white on undersides and white on top hindwings
Pearl Crescent Long forewings Curly patterns in black lines near body Caterpillars:
6 Butterflies A - F
American Lady Painted Lady Pearl Crescent Buckeye Regal Fritillary Great-spangled Fritillary Identify each butterfly.
Pearl Crescent American LadyPainted Lady Regal Fritillary Great-spangled Fritillary Buckeye THE ANSWERS ARE …