Increasing the capacity of higher education in East Africa through the creation of a Consortium of African and United States Educators (CAUSE) in the focus area Food and Nutritional security.
Universities in Ethiopia: Haramaya, Hawassa and Mekelle Universities in Kenya: Kenyatta and Moi Universities in Oklahoma, USA: Langston and Oklahoma State International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) system.
Washington DC meeting, May 2008 Kigali meeting, October 2008 Internal and external stakeholder meetings, Feb-June 2009 Visit by US team at each campus, mid July 2009 Cause partners meeting at Kenyatta University, late July 2009 Visit of African project leader to OSU and Langston, early August 2009 Accra meeting, late August 2009 Meetings and activities conducted to develop CAUSE plan
Vision To address critical societal issues by increasing human and institutional capacity of Higher Education in East Africa in teaching, research, and outreach.Mission To develop faculty skills and promote leadership, through creation of relevant curricula, establishment of joint research and outreach projects that strengthen Higher Education capacity, enhancing interregional and international linkages and serve as an engine for social, economic, environmental, political and other development.
Focus Area - Food and Nutritional Security Food and Nutritional Security is critical to development of the East African region, and has emerged as a logical starting point for our shared focus to build capacity of universities and their faculty. CAUSE has developed a problem model centered on this theme that will address and use the challenges associated with Food and Nutritional Security as a springboard for capacity building of universities and communities. Whereas Food and Nutritional Security will initially be targeted through agriculture, health and human sciences, CAUSE partners realize that the need for an array of disciplines including business, education, engineering, human and animal health, medical science and social sciences will quickly and logically ensue.
Goal 1: Enhance Academic Programs through Regional Collaboration
Objectives Expand academic programs to meet needs of the universities based on needs assessment Develop articulation agreements and provide for acceptance of coursework from partner institutions that will create shared expectations for faculty and students from each university in the CAUSE to meet requirements for curricula and academic degree programs Utilize appropriate techniques to enhance faculty and staff development in current pedagogy and delivery methods that focus on student centered learning through experiential activities Enhance leadership development for administering regional academic and research programs Increase the participation of female students in universities and enhance the involvement of women in administrative and academic management (Con’t) Goal 1: Enhance Academic Programs through Regional Collaboration
Goal 2: Develop Research-Based Solutions to Address Food and Nutritional Security in East Africa
Objectives: Conduct targeted research through the East Africa Regional Centers of Educational Excellence to address specific topics related to Food and Nutritional Security in: Food Production through a holistic approach to improve plant and animal production systems that fulfills household food requirements and generates income; Family Nutrition through increasing availability of nutritious foods and improving household knowledge of appropriate food choices; Protecting Natural Resources by assessing and conserving the biodiversity of natural resources needed for food production and combating the effects of climate change; and Supply- and value-chain strategies to improve market channels for smallholder families, add value to products for additional income generation, and strengthen the economic position of small holder families.
Goal 3: Transfer Knowledge and Skills to Enhance Community Development Objectives: Develop curricula to prepare CAUSE university faculty, staff and students in outreach education pedagogy and instructional methodology that will impact local communities; Develop outreach education programs to transfer new knowledge and skills to local communities to improve food and nutritional security of smallholder families and other historically disadvantaged populations; Use community demonstrations “technology villages” to educate smallholder families in methods for improving food nutrition requirements in disadvantaged communities.
Goal 4: Provide Research Based Information to Stakeholders and Policy Makers Objectives: Communicate with stakeholders and policy makers to identify critical issues for local, regional, national, and international interests in food and nutritional security and other development issues; Disseminate impacts of research, teaching and outreach to key stakeholders; Develop quality assurance processes for monitoring and reporting research, teaching and outreach activities.
CAUSE Governance Structure The proposed CAUSE organization will be led by: Two coordinators, one from Africa and the other from the U.S. Seven Team Leaders (representatives of each higher education institution One program assistant This group will be known as The Steering Committee The Steering Committee will: Develop and review policy for the administration and management of the CAUSE Ensure broad based consultation and quality participation of the member Universities to enhance efficiency and effectiveness Oversee implementation of the CAUSE at the member Universities Ensure that the CAUSE is continuously linked with the strategic thinking of the member universities Receive and discuss project proposals and reports from the member universities (con’t)
The Steering Committee will: Ensure adherence to timelines for all activities prescribed in the administrative manuals and activity schedules Establish networks for continuous and sustained growth of all initiatives supported by CAUSE Solicit funds from donors for the activities of CAUSE Ensure transparency and accountability of member universities to enhance work ethics and handle any dispute that may arise among parties of the CAUSE Institute a monitoring and evaluation system for the overall performance of the CAUSE Establish communication strategies for CAUSE activities and outcomes utilizing websites, electronic publications and other appropriate media outlets CAUSE Governance Structure
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