The State of Capacity Development in Africa Report Overview and Guiding Questions to operationalize the Initiative July, 2011
Inspiration and Context? AU Vision and Agenda on CD Evidence-based knowledge and innovation Priority - Document, share and learn for innovation & growth – Knowledge as capacity for effective action The evident need for capable institutions to drive development (responsive, resilient, adaptive institutions) Linked to Ongoing CD initiatives in Africa (Dev Partners, Private, CSO etc) Collaborative & inclusive - APDev stakeholders 1
NEED (contd.) Evidence and Knowledge – What is working and what is not working in CD – Entry points to meet CD requirements (new interventions by African govt. and dev. partners) – Financing for CD interventions – Opportunities for coordination, collaboration and partnerships in interventions – What is new in CD (initiatives, practices, strategies, methodologies)
Capacity Development in Africa Report 2012 ● Multi-agency innovation under auspices of the AU ● Continental-regional-national-local levels ● Focus on institutional capacity ● Feeds and draws on ongoing and planned collaborative – inter-agency interventions ( i.e. mainstreaming of CD into national planning, NPoA implementation & AU CD Support Programme for RECs incl. Knowlegde-based capacities prog)
What will the Africa-CDR do? ● CD challenges, Change readiness & improvement opportunities for enhanced institutional performance ● Bridge the CD knowledge and practice divide ● Document and disseminate success stories for KE & learning ● Highlight ongoing CD interventions and results by various stakeholders and development partners ● Share innovative approaches, tools etc ● Seek audience with senior policy makers & practioners ● Serve as an authoritative AU CD policy-practice knowledge resource ● Assist to raise the political and technical visibility of CD as a driver of development effectiveness
Comprehensive assessment of institutional capacity issues focusing on: The development planning system looking at key structures and processes that drive the national development agenda and how they relate to other stakeholders & private sector; Institutional framework for implementation, focusing on key development management institutions that drive the state and development, incl. the interface between public and private sector; The local governance system as the ultimate ‘client’ for development results; M & E of development results, and how lessons are fed into knowledge systems in generating new skills, long-term education, development-oriented research & innovation.
Focus of Africa-CDR Planning and Implementation Public Service Socio-Political 'System' Research /Tertiary Institutions Economic Sector
Increase Efficiency in Policy instruments Development Goal Development Actions Administrative rules, laws, regulations, standards, and other formal incentives that a society uses to guide stakeholder actions to achieve its development goals Systems, rules of action, processes, personnel and other resources that stakeholders bring together to achieve development goals Improve Effectiveness of Organizational Arrangements Strengthen Stakeholder Ownership Comprises formal and informal political, economic and social forces that determine the priority that government, civil society, and the private sector give to specific development goals Capacity for What? Key institutional changes Adopted from WB and WBI
STRUCTURE (contd.) Boxes – Good/Replicable Practice Cases CD initiatives CD interventions Approaches and Methodologies Financing of CD interventions Major Partnerships in CD Performance Monitoring & Evaluation Performance Measurement
PRODUCTS Concept and Design of ACDR Draft & Final Reports Lessons Notes & Implementation Guides Good/Replicable Practices
Process and organization Advisory Board AUC / NEPAD Agency/Kenya & Partners Technical Team - Technical experts -Regional focal persons -Country level institutions/experts – profiling