It’s All About Balance MidWeek 10 Seminar Series First Year Success
Tomorrow won’t be better. It will be the same task. It won’t be any more fun and still won’t want to do it. It only gets worse. Now not only do you have to write that dreaded paper, you have to do it under the influence of your fight-or-flight hormones. Ideas need time to jell. When you throw together a paper or report at the last minute, your ideas are half-baked. And your professors will know it.
Tips For a More Balanced Life College present many challenges, including demands on your life, energy, and relationships. It may be essential for you to concentrate on things you can do to help find you greater life balance and optimal well-being.
Indulge Yourself Indulge Yourself While scheduling all the things that you need to do this semester, don’t forget to make time for yourself. Prioritize Reality checks should be conducted on a regularly to keep us on track. Do what you want to do, not just what everyone else expects you to do!
Take Care Health is critical to being all that you can be. If you don’t take care of yourself, you can end up sick. Illness can prevent you from getting anything done, or at least make you wish you didn’t have things waiting to be done. Be Good Enough So many people in this country waste time comparing themselves to their peers. In most cases, this will leave you feeling inadequate. The key is to be satisfied with what you are good at; perfection is unattainable on earth anyway.
Managing Your Time Think of time as money- it needs to be managed. We have 168 hours in a week- no more, no less. How you decide to spend this valued commodity is up to you, but use it wisely so you won’t feel regretful about wasting it.
Time & Organization Develop a good filing system. Organization is a skill, a value, and a challenge. Take a time out. Take deep breaths. Be kind to yourself. If you manage your time effectively you will have more free time.
Time Management Tips Create a Semester Calendar Utilize your syllabus for each class and write down your important due dates, deadlines, and exams. Pencil in commitments, appointments, personal projects, etc. Review your semester calendar at least once a week. Resolve time conflicts immediately! If you think you are going to miss a class due to an appointment talk to your professor to ensure you do not fall behind.
Create a To-Do List Refer to your semester calendar as a starting point. Create a realistic list. Recognize your limitations so you don’t go to bed feeling as if you didn’t get anything accomplished. Break larger tasks into smaller chunks. Cross off as you go. It is important to see that you have completed what you set out to do. Doing this will keep stress at bay.
Beware of common time zappers! Turn off the phone, tv, computers, etc. Every little beep, ping, or ring will distract you from the task and, ultimately it will take you longer to finish the work.
Fun Self Tests How Good is Your Time Management? Time Management Self Assessment 11CBA1ACA783/17600/DownsTMWEB_Assessment112.pdf Time/Self Management Test