* Mental Health-your ability to learn and grow from your experiences * Emotional Health-how you accept and deal with your feelings * With good mental and emotional health, a person is able to accept themselves and others.
* A person also knows how to ADAPT= adjust to new situations 1. Accepts when things don’t go your way 2. Set and achieve goals 3. Cope with feelings in healthy ways 4. Accept constructive criticism 5. Express feelings through words or creative outlets
* Personality =your unique combination of feelings, thoughts and behaviors that make you different from everyone else. * This affects how you will handle situations * Self-concept =the view you have of yourself * Influenced by family, peers, teachers, coaches, others * Self-esteem =the way you feel about yourself and how you value yourself. * You feel valued and appreciated as a person * You are RESILIENT =you have the ability to bounce back from disappointment.
* Emotions =feelings created in response to thoughts, remarks and events. * Expressing Emotions * Anxiety =a state of uneasiness, usually associated with future uncertainty. 1. Mild anxiety can be helpful…prepares you for action 2. Too much anxiety can interfere with normal and necessary functions like sleeping/eating. * TALK TO SOMEONE-build RESILIENCE 3. A high state of anxiety produces PANIC =a feeling of sudden, intense fear. (dizziness, pounding heart)
* Fear is your mind and body’s alert system-prepares you for quick action in case a real threat exists. (Can be protective force) * It stops being protective when it becomes a central focus in your life…this is physically and emotionally draining. * TALK TO SOMEONE-build RESILIENCE * Anger -yelling at the cause of your anger, using threats, sarcasm and other negative behaviors are not good solutions * Mixed emotions= opposite or different feelings that occur at once. * If feel them, talk to someone not directly involved in the situation to help gain a different perspective.
* Emotional needs are needs that affect your feelings and sense of well-being. * Three main emotional needs * The need to love and be loved-caring for others and feeling cared about. * The need to belong -lets you know there are others who accept you and respect you for who you are. * The need to make a difference -sense of accomplishing something; your life has a meaning.
* Fill your three main emotional needs in a way that suits you * Show others you care or love them-through compliments and acknowledgement of their character traits. * Belong -to a club or group with similar interests * Make a difference -volunteer, offer your talent (choir or puppet ministry), set short and long term goals, be a positive influence on others.
* Stress is your body’s internal and external response to change. * Stressor =anything that causes stress. * Good stress (eustress) prepares you for things, keeps you on your toes, but is SHORT LIVED. * Bad stress (distress) lasts over a longer period of time, can have bad effects on your physical, mental/emotional and social health.
* FIGHT OR FLIGHT SYNDROME. * Releases adrenaline to give body an energy boost to prepare to handle the stressor. * Eyes dilate; * throat contracts * heart speeds up; * liver releases blood sugars and narrows; * brain releases hormones and chemicals that protect you from pain; ears hearing sharpens; * stomach slows down digestive process letting energy go elsewhere; * muscles tighten * Excess Stress and your health triangle * Physical=headaches, digestive problems, high blood pressure; lowers body’s immune system. * Mental/Emotional=anxiety, irritability, moody; interferes with work; takes away desire to have fun. * Social= yell more at others; withdraw from others * If you react these ways, this is your body telling you that you are overwhelmed and need to better manage your stress.
* Take good care of your physical health with proper nutrition and exercise. * Things you can do: * RELAX - slow your heart rate down; * LAUGH -release your endorphins; * POSITIVE ATTITUDE * BE PHYSICALLY ACTIVE * MANAGE YOUR TIME-make lists/get organized /plan; * SOCIALIZE
* In your group, construct an answer for each poster as we rotate to each statement. * Write your group answer in the designated color marker for your group. * Make sure your statements are legible enough for me to read and the answers are appropriate please! * When time is up, we will share the posters.
* Disorder =a disturbance in the normal function of a part of the body. * Kinds of disorders (1 in 5 kids/adults affected) * Anxiety =intense anxiety or fear keeps a person from functioning normally. * Phobia = exaggerated fear of a specific situation or object. * Personality =a psychological condition that affects a person’s ability to interact normally with others. * Passive-aggressive personality disorder * Borderline personality disorder * Mood =a disorder in which a person has mood changes that seem inappropriate or extreme. * Bi-polar =mood cycles in highs and lows * MAJOR DEPRESSION =a mood disorder in which people lose interest in life and can no longer find enjoyment in anything.
* Irritability, anger or anxiety * Lack of energy * Changes in sleep patterns * Inability to concentrate * Blaming others for their problems (esp. adults) * Feelings of worthlessness or guilt * Don’t enjoy things they use to like a lot * Very pessimistic * Physical symptoms that can’t be explained * Thoughts of death or suicide
* Suicide and teens * Teens think of suicide when they can’t handle pressures or stressors in life from home, school, even socially leading to depression and thoughts of suicide.
* Open hints -comments like, “I can’t take it anymore”, “ No one cares if I live or die.” * Sudden fascination with the topic of death * Dramatic changes in appearance * Self-destructive behavior * Withdrawal from friends, family and regular activities * Sudden mood change from depression to appearing cheerful.
* Solutions DO exist for every problem …suicide is not an option * Depression does not go on forever…there is always SOMEONE that can help you get through it! * YOU ARE NOT ALONE -TALK TO SOMEONE CLOSE TO YOU!!!!
* TALK TO A TRUSTWORTHY ADULT * LOOK INTO ORGANIZATIONS * SPAN USA=Suicide Prevention Action Network; National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center * SEEK HELP FROM A MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONAL * Therapy -teaches you different ways of thinking or behaving * psychologists (licensed prof. with a doctorate), * clinical social worker (licensed prof. w/master’s), * psychiatrist (a medical Dr.)