Czech Republic is landlocked country in the middle of Europe. Rather than as a country in the middle of Europe, we should speak of the Czech Republic as a country in the heart of Europe - after all, the heart is not to be found precisely in the center of human body. The Czech Republic
located in the Northern Hemisphere, approximately in the middle of the European Continent The neighboring states are Germany, Poland, Slovakia and Austria The Czech Republic on the world map
total area almost square kilometers midsize European country makes up 2% of European Union the country comprises three historical lands – Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. the largest cities: Prague – the capital, Brno, Plzeň, Liberec and Ostrava. Area size
Climate landlocked country in moderate geographical latitudes The climate is mild but variable locally and troughout the year. Cold winter, spring followed by a warm summer and chilly autumn. The alternation of the seasons has marked effect, above all on vegetation. Differences in geographical latitude are negligible. The average air temperature and annual rainfall is strongly depend on the height above sea level. - The average temperature on the highest mountain in the CR (Sněžka 1,602 m a.s.l) is only 0.4°C, annual rainfall 1500 millimeters - the lowlands on south Moravia with 10 °C, 400 millimeters
Area The area of forest land cover one third of the total area of Czech republic, i.e.2,647,000 ha slightly increasing (0,6%, agricultural land afforestation)
Basic principles of state policy conservation of forests and their maintenance preservation of forest ecosystems enhancement of biodiversity as well as maintenance development of gene pool of tree species Strategy: Sustainable forest management Continuous and balanced timber production The gradual enhancement of ecological stability of forest ecosystems Guiding the non-wood-producing functions
Controlling of Czech Forestry by State Ministry of Agriculture County Councils Municipalties exceptions: Ministry of Environment – National Parks Ministry of Defense – Military Forest Main State supervision Ministry of Environment and Czech environmental inspection
Forest Ownership Owner% of total forest land State59,7 Municipalties16,5 Regional Governments0,2 Forest Cooperatiives1 Public Universities0,3 Private23,2
Forests Owned by State State Organisation with the Right to manage/Authorized to Manage Forest Area (ha)% Fores of the Czech Republic,S.E ,0085,9 Military Forests and Farms of the Czech Republic, S.E ,0 Administrations of National Parks ,6 Office of the President of the Republic ,5 Total
Forest Species Composition Tree Species% of Total Forest Land Spruce53,1 Fir0,9 Pine17,2 Larch3,9 Other Conifers0,2 Total Conifers75,3 Oak6,6 Beech6,6 Birch2,9 Other Broadleaves7,6 Total Broadleaves23,7
Forestry Sector Overview Forest Regeneration and Reforestation The percentage of conifers within forest regeneration was reduced in flavor broadleaves Forest Regeneration (ha) Artifical17855 of which: Replanting2776 Natural3630 Registration Changes144 Total21 629
Forestry Sector Overview Balance of Clear-cut Areas Area at 1.Jan ha Area at 31.Dec ha New Clear-cut Area After Felling Reforest. Failure OtherTotal Reduction of Cler-cut Area After Reforesration Natural Regen. OtherTotal
Forestry Sector Overview Cleanings and Thinnings Cleanings: ha Thinnings: ha Feelings Total annual Fellings Conifers 13,88 mill.m 3 Broadleaves 1,63 mill.m 3 Total: 15,51 mill.m 3
Export and Import Export and Imports of Roundwood in the Czech Republic 1,000,000 CZK1,000m 3 Average Price CZK/m 3 Export Import
Game management Spring Stocks of Main Game (psc) Red Deer Fallow Deer Mouflon Roe Deer Wild Boar46 699
Game management Hunting (shotting+trapping) of Main Game Species (psc) Red Deer Fallow Deer Mouflon Roe Deer Wild Boar Duck Pheasant Hare93 377