Definition of stress: difficulty that causes worry or emotional tension. It occurs everyday and nobody is free from it. Stress can make or destroy people depending on how one controls it. If not well controlled, it leads to adjustment disorders that comes in different forms.
CAUSES OF STRESS: Natural causes: earthquakes, wars, famine, death, etc Acquired: diseases, social problems like rape unwanted pregnancy etc; economic problems- loss of job, business failures. Academic problems- exam failures, inability to understand after reading etc; Emotional problems-marital infidelity, divorce, marital disharmony etc.
CLASSIFICATION OF STRESS: Positive/eustress: these are desirable events in life - giving birth to a baby, job promotion etc. Negative/ distress: these are undesirable events - loss of love one, ill health, loss of job, etc.
TYPES OF STRESS: Everyday’s problems- quarrel with friends, traffic jams, financial problems, etc. Major life events - loss of employment, divorce, disability, illness, bankruptcy. Catastrophic events - armed robbery, sexual assault, flood, fire accidents, ethnic crisis, etc.
EFFECT OF STRESS: 1. Psychological 2. Physical. ** These are mediated through the cortisol and adrenaline pathways. This lead to decrease in immunity.
MANAGEMENT OF STRESS: In mgt of stress the following questions should be asked and answered: - what is the cause of the stress? -can the stress be avoided? - if not, can I cope with it comfortably? - do I need consultation and advice? - has it affected me negatively?
The hallmark of stress mgt is to put all the problems of life under control such that the person lives a balance life- time for work, time for praying, good relationship, time for relaxation and fun. ** some times, it is difficult to identify the cause. ** different people have different ways of dealing with stress. So no one acceptable way.
UNHEALTHY WAYS OF STRESS COPING -Smoking -Drinking too much of alcohol -Over eating and under eating -Watching television for a duration -Withdrawal from friends and Christian gathering.
HEALTHY WAYS OF STRESS COPING 4 As – avoid; alter; adapt; accept. AVOID: avoid unnecessary stress. -learn to say no (know your limits and stick to them). -Avoid people who stress you. - take control of your environment -Pare down your to do list ie the ‘must’ and the ‘should’. Avoid hot button topics.
ALTER the situation: If u can not avoid the stress, alter the situation through the way u do things and your association with people. - express your feelings instead of bottling them up. -Be willing to compromise. - be more assertive - manage your time very well.
ADAPT to stressors: if u can not change a stressor, change yourself. -Reframe problems - look at the big picture ie future importance - adjust your standard. - focus on the positive.
ACCEPT THE THINGS YOU CANN’T CHANGE: Some sources of stress are unavoidable eg death of love ones, natural disasters. The best way is to accept them as they are. Though not easy. Don’t try to control the uncontrollable Look for the upside: what that does not kill makes one stronger. Try to learn from your mistakes. Share your feelings and learn to forgive.
MAKE OUT TIME FOR RELAXATION: Do something you like doing Connect with others. Adopt a healthy life style. Watch good movies. Share your problems with good friends. Eat well, reduce coffee and sugar intake. Avoid alcohol, cigarette and drugs. Sleep well.
If stress is not well manage, it leads to problems called adjustment disorders: 1.AD with anxious mood- nervousness, worry and jitteriness. 2. AD with depressed mood- feeling of hopelessness, tearfulness and depressed mood. 3. AD with disturbance of conduct- truancy, vandalisation, fighting, reckless driving, raping etc 4.AD with physical symptoms- headaches, fatigue, back aches and other symptoms not which are not diagnosable.
5. AD with withdrawal- here the affected persons tend to withdraw from people. 6. AD with academic/work inhibition- here somebody whose academic / work performance has been adequate begins to decline.
In conclusion, stresses are always around us and impact in us positively or negatively depending how one handles them. If the normal stages of stress namely- stressful, outcry, denial, intrusion, working through, and completion; is not well negotiated, the outcome is always devastating. Let us call the Almighty God to help us in times of difficulty. As St Augustine said………….. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!!!!!!