Ministry of Environment And Forestry Department of IT


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Presentation transcript:

Ministry of Environment And Forestry Department of IT Establishment of an Environmental Spatial Planning Portal in Turkey Gencay SERTER City and Regional Planner

Presentation Plan Introduction Environmental Spatial Planning Portal Ministry of Environment And Forestry Department of IT Presentation Plan Introduction INSPIRE and Europe INSPIRE and Turkey Importance of Environmental Spatial Planning Portal Logical&Legal Hierarchy Environmental Spatial Planning Portal Relationship between Planning Portal And 1/100.000 Scaled Territorial Plans Standarts Which Are Used On The Period Of Establishing Planning Portal Specifications Which We Used According To ISO TC 211 Data Specification Guidelines of INSPIRE Project Stages Analysis & Design Data Integration Web Application & System Design Aims of Planning Portal Chracteristics & Scope of Planning Portal

INTRODUCTION Supranational Integration Process and EU Ministry of Environment And Forestry Department of IT INTRODUCTION Supranational Integration Process and EU Integration of Geographical Information Management As you know, our age is defined as INFORMATION AGE. In this period suppranational integration processess are improved. EU is one of the example of these supranational organisations. Moreover, amount and speed of geographical information improving day by day. So, the coordination of this geographical information becoming a problem for the countries and unions. At this point, INSPIRE rose as a tool to coordinate all these geographical information in EU. INSPIRE

INSPIRE and Europe INSPIRE, (as a legal framework) Ministry of Environment And Forestry Department of IT INSPIRE and Europe INSPIRE, (as a legal framework) Producing geographical data Access to data Standarts Protocols Coordination Politics about geographical data INSPIRE as a legal tool of EU is supplying and generating.....

EFFECTIVE STATE PROCESS Ministry of Environment And Forestry Department of IT INSPIRE and Turkey QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE FOR EFFECTIVE STATE PROCESS FAST PARTICIPATORY TRANSPARENT Turkey, as a candidate country, is following e-europe attempt. In the light of this attempt, our country has started “Information Society Action Plan” to serve quick, transparent, participatory and qualified public services. At the end of this period Turkey will have efficient public process and bureaucracy. EFFECTIVE BASIC PROCESS

Importance of Environmental Spatial Planning Portal Ministry of Environment And Forestry Department of IT Importance of Environmental Spatial Planning Portal “Establishment of Environmental Spatial Planning Portal” is an very important and unique tool for Turkey in which the % 80 percent of datas related with geographical information Source: SDI Policy in Europe, A.Ç.Aydınoğlu, Ph.DeMaeyer, T. Yomralıoğlu Our Establishment of Environmental Spatial Planning Portal is shown as a important step for this target which is shown previus slide. Moreover, ……

Logical & Legal Hierarchy Ministry of Environment And Forestry Department of IT Logical & Legal Hierarchy INSPIRE DIRECTIVE Information Society Action Plan Environmental Spatial Planning Portal European Commission State Planning Organisation Ministry of Forestry and Environment Of Course. This project was established on logical & legal hierarchy. This slide shows this hierarchy. Most importatnt criteria is INSPIRE Directive which is an international standart. In the national level initial criteria is an Information Society Action Plan which is made by State Planning Organization. This Organization has task to organize ministries and other Public institutions. Finally, the lower level, our ministry, Ministry of Environment and Forestry has prepared Environmental Spatial Planning Portal.

Environmental Spatial Planning Portal Ministry of Environment And Forestry Department of I.T Environmental Spatial Planning Portal Ministry of Environment and Forestry and ESRI Turkey aims to “Establishment of Planning Portal on Geographical Information in Turkey” In the light of this aim “Information of 1/100.000 scaled territorial plan database and web application works” has been done by Ministry of Environment and Forestry. At this time I want to give general information about territorial plans. This is importatnt because, our portal is based on these territorial plans.

Ministry of Environment And Forestry Department of IT Relationship Between Planning Portal And 1/100.000 Scaled Territorial Plans 1/100000 scaled territorrial plan is the second plan in Planning Hiyerarchy System of Turkey. It contains very large areas. (For example this plan which you see on the screen contains two provinces. Name of the provinces are Antalya and Burdur. The area of this plan is 43341,4 km2 )It is a very big area. I will make it clear with one example. Belgium is 30528km2 This Planning area is much bigger than the Belgium. Also, These territorial plans contains too much information and data about land use system. Yuou can see the tourism, settlement, forestry, farming areas with the help of these plans. These plans are also frame for the other small scale implementation plans. This plan scale is tthe main desicion tool for land use system. 11 planning areas are joined and datas of these plan areas are integrated in the period of this project.

InternationalStandarts Ministry of Environment And Forestry Department of I.T STANDARTS WHICH ARE USED ON THE PERIOD OF ESTABLISHING PLANNING PORTAL 1/100.000 Territorial Plans Legislation Geographical Information Systems Circular National Standarts ISO TC-211 Standarts INSPIRE Directive OGC (OGC Working Groups), XML, UML...etc Of course all these workings based on some national and international standarts. You see the national and international standarts which we use in our workings. Now I will give you some examples from ISO and INSPIRE standarts. InternationalStandarts XML 10 10

SPECIFICATIONS WHICH WE USED ACCORDING TO ISO TC 211 Ministry of Environment And Forestry Department of IT SPECIFICATIONS WHICH WE USED ACCORDING TO ISO TC 211 ISO/TS 19103 (Geographic Information - Conceptual schema language) ISO 19131 (Data Product Specifications) ISO/TS 19139 (Geographic Information-Metadata-XML Schema Implemantation) ISO/CD 19142 (Web Feature Services) For example we used ISO Standarts for conceptual schema language, Data Product Specification, Metadata Schema Implementation and Web Feature Services.

DATA SPECIFICATION GUIDELINES WHICH WE USED ACCORDING TO INSPIRE Ministry of Environment And Forestry Department of IT DATA SPECIFICATION GUIDELINES WHICH WE USED ACCORDING TO INSPIRE INSPIRE Data Specifications on; Administrative Units (D2.8.I.4) Transport Networks (D2.8.I.7) Hydrography (D2.8.I.8) Protected Sites (D2.8.I.9) And also we used some standarts from INSPIRE for Administrative Units, Transport Networks, Hydrograph and protected sites.

Rational & Comprehensive Planning Approach Ministry of Environment And Forestry Department of I.T PROJECT STAGES ANALYSIS &DESIGN 1.1. Analysing existing datas 1.2. Database Design DATA INTEGRATION WEB APPLICATION & SYSTEM DESIGN Data Inventory Database System which is compatible with National and International Standarts Rational & Comprehensive Planning Approach In the light of the standarts and logical framework which I have explained in the previous slides, planning portal has been set up in three stages. In the first stage which is Analysis and Design, Firstly all 1/100000 scaled territorial plans has been analysed. After analysing, all the datas has been harmonized and integrated according to national and international standarts. In the second stage which is data integration all these analysed datas has been joined and integrated according to standarts and data base system which was also set up according to standarts. In the Final Stage web application and system design has been finished for user’s analysing and inquiries. Multi-User Media 13 13

PROJECT STAGES ANALYSIS & DESIGN / Analysis of Existing Data 14 Ministry of Environment And Forestry Department of I.T PROJECT STAGES ANALYSIS & DESIGN / Analysis of Existing Data Unorganised databases and map documents of 11 planning areas which are not compatible with standarts has been analysed and then they became organized inventory which fits national and international standarts. 14

PROJECT STAGES Analysis and Design/ Standardisation 1. Filtering Ministry of Environment And Forestry Department of IT PROJECT STAGES Analysis and Design/ Standardisation 1. Filtering Spatial types Spaghetti lines to Network 2. Reclassification of attribute values Polygon to Line - Line to Polygon 3. Renaming of feature classes or attributes Other types e.g. Numeric to String 4. Merge / split of features or attributes 6. Augmentation 5. Type conversions I want to show you one example from our first stage of planning portal establishmet. Blue line which is a line data has been analysed and it changed into polygonal data which is meaningfull and practible for inquiries. Actually as an administrative unit blue line should have drawn as a polygonal data. But in our 1/100000territorial plans ıt had been drawn as a line . At this stage we checked and corrected all these kind of mistakes. We made also filtering, reclassification of attribute values, merging etc. 15

PROJECT STAGES UML diagram: Ministry of Environment And Forestry Department of IT PROJECT STAGES Analyse and Design Studies/ Database design UML diagram: ISO 19131 (Data Product Specifications) ISO/TS 19103 (Geographic Information - Conceptual schema language) After then, these datas put in to the UML diagram according to ISO standarts. 16

PROJECT STAGES Analyses & Design Studies / Database Design Ministry of Environment And Forestry Department of IT PROJECT STAGES Analyses & Design Studies / Database Design Database which is Compatible with national and intenational standarts, Compatible with topological structure of GIS, Integrated Geographical Data Server, Practicable on multi-user screen, and Database which simplfy data transfer, updating of data, synchronisation of changes At the end of this stage we got database which have these specialities. 17

PROJECT STAGES DATA INTEGRATION Ministry of Environment And Forestry Department of IT PROJECT STAGES DATA INTEGRATION Second stage is Data Integration Stage. At this level territorial plans of 11 planning areas has been integrated. By this wat allthese plans has become manageable and navigable. In the second stage of project, all these 1/100.000 scaled territorial plans which has different geographical database have been integrated. Moreover, this geographical database became manageable and navigable. 18

1/100.000 SCALED TERRITORIAL PLANS IN TURKEY Ministry of Environment And Forestry Department of IT 1/100.000 SCALED TERRITORIAL PLANS IN TURKEY Territorial plans which cover %46 of Turkey’s total area is practicable in planning portal now. And at the end of 2011 %77 of Turkey’s total area will be usable in the planning portal. 1/100.000 scaled territrial plans which will be finished by municipalities or province (local autorities) Provinces which are not in program about 1/100.000 scaled territorial plans %46 Approved 1/100000 territorial plans by MoEF 1/100.000 scaled territorial plans which will be finished by MoEF between 2009-2011 %18 %31 %5 At the end of 2011, %77 of total area of Turkey (814.578 km2 ) will be planned by approving 1/100.000 scaled territorial plans 19

Other Publis Institutions International Institution Ministry of Environment And Forestry Department of IT PROJECT STAGES Web Application and System Operation Ministiries Other Publis Institutions Municipalities International Institution Web Application Private Institution GIS Servers Universities The last stage of project is web application. All the datas of portal were made accessbible for all the people in the some rights. The most important thing is participation and the level of this participation in the light of user rights. Public institutions, private sectors, universities are the users of this portal. Citizens Web Application; Users can get geographical data and information form this portal. Rights + participation. 20 20

Developing Web Base Application Ministry of Environment And Forestry Department of IT Developing Web Base Application Query according to administrative unit. Buffer analyses Visualising of Google maps Access to plan notes from planning units. Querying Planning Data Query land use decisions Access to related national and international legal documents. Ability to exporting maps in pdf format Web Application With the help of web application system you can do operations which you see on the screen. 21 21

Aim of the Planning Portal; Ministry of Environment And Forestry Department of IT Aim of the Planning Portal; With the planning portal; Models & Methods Metadata Map Services Data & Data Models Portal All the (current) plans has been joined in one portal, To check relationship between land-cover (corine) and land-use (plan) systems, monitoring Access to plan data for everyone (according to some permission), GIS infrastructure for all planning data, Integrated Models by using GIS infrastructure, Planning Information system. With the pllanning portal, we established a GIS infrastructure for planning datas. Planning portal let people to reach planning datas in the frame of some permission. And we made integrated models as well. Moreover, we can do monitoring with the help of this portal. Planning Portal make possible to access 1/100.000 scaled plan information for everyone by organizing information. 22

AIM of MINISTRY of ENVIRONMENT and FORESTRY ABOUT PLANNING Department of IT AIM of MINISTRY of ENVIRONMENT and FORESTRY ABOUT PLANNING Planning Portal; Search Interoperate Share In other word, basically this portal supply ability to search and use listed data by downloading or directly. And also, users can share, spread and generate information by using this planning portal interface. This Planning Portal can make searching. For example user can access thematic or geographical data or services related with defined geographical area Also you can make categorisation. Portal let users to put information and services in defined catalog for distributing. 23 23

CHRACTERISTICS OF PLANNING PORTAL IMPLEMANTATION SOFTWARE Ministry of Environment And Forestry Department of IT Ministry of Environment And Forestry CHRACTERISTICS OF PLANNING PORTAL IMPLEMANTATION SOFTWARE Planning Portal Implementation Software Metadata Searching/Projection Metadata entry Access to Mapping Services Access to Web Services Access to international distributer of metadata Plan Updating Plan Monitoring Analysing Inquiring Modelling Access to services Reporting Printing Mapping on the web screen and access to Metadata Plan Revision Automation Vectorial Plan Datas Raster Maps Tablo Datas Documents Management Documets Searching Documents Projection Documents Entry Documents Updating Recording Data Record System Satelite View Topographic MAps Ortofoto Quick raster data projection and access Planning Portal Software has three main functions. These are Document Managemet, Data Record System and Plan Revision Automation. For example you can update plans with Plan Revision Automation. You can alse make monitoring eith this tool. You can make data searching, projection or entry by using Document management system. You see the other opportunities of this software on the screen. REST API GeoRSS KML SOAP ATOM Standarts Access rights Filling according to dates Version Portal Management 24 24

GIS Portal Turkey Planning Portal Network GIS service Client Data Ministry of Environment And Forestry Department of IT Turkey Planning Portal Network Metadata Services GIS service Data Mapping Geographical processes Open/Interoperatable Client Scanner Desktop Mobile GIS Portal As you see Planning portal has a big target. It is serving facilities for %46 of Turkey. But it will serve all of Turkey soon. All the local and national units will be part of this portal. All of these can use and share information and data at the same time. By this way public processess will became fast and qualified. And all the datas will be confidential and useable for everyone. 25

Gencay SERTER City and Regional Planner Ministry of Environment And Forestry Department of IT THANK YOU… Gencay SERTER City and Regional Planner