Proposed Sanitation Workshop – Key Info s Objective is to share national and international good practices and help in inputting the planning and implementation of sanitation component of RWSSP- LIS Two days workshop to have presentations, discussion, film shows, open interaction with experts and group work for action planning Expected to be held in mid June 2014, Venue: Delhi or Lucknow/Ranchi/Patna Participants from MoDWS, Low Income States Projects, Other RWSS Bank Projects, International Speakers, Experts, Sector Organizations, PRIs members, etc. Major partners- MoDWS, Project States, World Bank, WSP and Global Sanitation Fund
Speakers Speakers/States from India Kerala Uttarakhand Karnataka Punjab Other States like – Sikkim, HP, West Bengal, TN International Vietnam Indonesia Sri Lanka Bangladesh One each from Africa/Latin Region Key Note Speakers MoDWS World Bank/WSP WSSCC IRC UNICEF Others
Key Topics Understanding sanitation and its challenges in the context of historical, structural and regional roots Reflections on current initiatives including of government (NBA) Policies, Programs, Institutions, Strategies, Progress and Gaps Delivering sanitation services through integrated, decentralized and scheme cycle approaches RWSSP-LIS, Other Bank Projects Scaling up and sustainability of sanitation program including issues of open defecation Household, Institutional and Community/Public Behavior Change approaches in demand creation, toilet usage, promoting cleanliness IEC, BCC, Triggering, Marketing Solid and Liquid Waste Management Infrastructure, Management and Waste Behavior
Continued… Supply Issues in Sanitation Appropriate technology for household and institutional toilets, and SLWM Services Financing (NBA/MGNREGS/WB/Others) Safeguards Issues in Sanitation Social (poverty and equity including tribal development ) Gender Environment Sanitation and its linkages with Health, Nutrition, and Education Convergence and Coordination with Other Programs MGNREGS PRI SSA/ICDS/MDM Renewal Energy Programs Others
Continued… Institutions and Sanitation Ministry, Department, PRIs, GP-WSC, Collectives and Others Private Sector Participation Challenges and Opportunities Governance and Accountability Issues in Sanitation Learnings from Others Sectors – Urban, Energy, Health and Others Monitoring Results Incentives Awards and Others
Next Steps Finalization of agenda, venue Mobilizing resource persons and speakers Background material, presentations and papers Logistics Support from partners ……………………………………………. and you
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