PROFOREST Protection of Forest Resources in Central Europe QLK1-CT /PROFOREST Centre of Excellence at the Forest Research Institute in Warsaw, Poland ( ) Postal address Forest Research Institute PROFOREST Centre of Excellence Bitwy Warszawskiej 1920 Street, No Warsaw, Poland Project Coordinator: Prof. Dr Zbigniew Sierota Project Office: MSc Marta Topczewska MSc Małgorzata Oszako tel. +48 (22) fax/tel. +48 (22)
Project general description The PROFOREST Centre of Excellence (CoE) at the FRIW brings together a team of scientific personnel from selected Departments of the Institute to develop a network of international cooperation, integrative activity and education, to foster the development of forest science related to protection of forest resources in Europe, dividing the project into 9 Workpackages, with 38 project actions. The main aim of the Centre is to pursue and stimulate the process of integration of forest scientists working on the protection of forest resources in Central Europe. The PROFOREST CoE serves to strengthen personal contacts and encourage closer Europe-wide cooperation and integration of researchers in formulating joint grant proposals. It also fosters the development of forest sciences in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, towards the better management of forests for future generations. The main topics of PROFOREST CoE activity were as follow: developing of cooperation between researchers from West and East, North and South Europe, comparing methods and sharing knowledge for improving the quality of ERA, strengthening cooperation between young researchers from EC, NAC and non EC countries, working on forestry and protection of forest resources in Europe, exchanging knowledge and building a common Central-European database, provide an opportunity for young researchers to take part in research programmes in the participating institutions, promote knowledge and achievements of the Centre, developing cooperation and exchanging information between researchers in Europe.
Notes: blue – tasks planned, green – tasks realised, n – activities over the plan accepted by project Scientific Officer in the range of available budget
Realization of the project (1) 3 training courses for Ph.D, post doc students in MS or ACC. Training in GIS systems, digital maps and databases systems in Belgium and Austria. 26 short-term study visits for CoE researchers in MS or ACC. Visits in: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Czech, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Scotland, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK. 4 long-term study visits for CoE researchers in MS or ACC. Visits in: Austria, Belgium, Scotland, Spain. 17 short-term visits (senior, junior, post doc, Ph.D) to the CoE. Visits from: Austria, Czech, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK, Ukraine. 12 long-term visits (senior, junior, post doc, Ph.D) to the CoE: In the range of long-term visits, three post-doctoral courses were organized for young researchers from Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine. One of them finished with publication. Moreover, researchers from Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia, Switzerland and the UK realized long-term visits in the Centre.
Realization of the project (2) 19 visits in networking, twinning. Networking of activities connected with protection of mountain forests with scientists from Czech, Estonia, Lithuanian, Slovakia and Ukraine (databases and numerical map creation dealing with biotic threats to the forest stands), and from Sweden and Slovakia (attractants and antiattractants in forest protection. Participation of researchers to specific events in MS or ACC. Participation in European Bat Research Symposium (Ireland) and IUFRO conference “Phytophthora in forests and Natural Ecosystems” (Germany). Organisation of 18 Conferences/ Workshops and related events. The conferences regarding but and root rot was organised together with IUFRO (Poznań, 2004) and dealing with protection of soil and water with FAO XXIV Session of Working Party. There was one practical course organised regarding molecular technologies for diagnostic of Phytophthora spp. 4 Sessions of project Advisory Board. After each meeting Members of Board elaborated a statement where the progress in the project realization was recorded and points needed to be improve were pointed out.
Realization of the project (3)
Realization of the project (4) Website, promoting material: The web page of PROFOREST is up to date with actual and incoming events and occurring publications (possibility to make a free order ( ). 2 leaflets regarding project structure, plans (Issue 1), and realization (Issue 2) were printed. 4 FP6 project proposals were submited (% success): EFOFWOOD (IP), FireParadox (IP), EVOLTREE (NoE), TREEBREEDEX (CA). IBL as a project partner. 100% of success. The Deliverables attained and assumed Milestones of the PROFOREST CoE project will enable to improve forest science methods used in Central Europe, to bridge knowledge and skills throughout the Europe, to facilitate EC Member States, NAS and other European countries in establishing mutual fruitful contacts and implementing forest research projects in 6th and future Framework Programmes. The collection of assumed Deliverables will be published.
Realization of the project (5) Publications There have been printed 13 publications as results of international conference and workshop co organized and organized by PROFOREST CE, putting together a collection of articles originate from meetings. 1.Afforestations in Europe; experiences and prospects. 2.Forest management planning status and changes after political and economic transformation in Central Europe. 3.Analysis of microsatellite sequences in Scots pine. 4.Large-area forest fires. 5.GIS and databases in the forest protection in Central Europe. 6.Protection of forests against pest insects and diseases. European Oak Decline Study Case. 7.Protection of soil and water resources in forestry areas. 8.Phytophthora in nurseries and forest stands. 9.Assessing soil and water conditions in forest. 10.Private forestry contractors in Central and Eastern European countries. 11.Possible limitation of decline phenomena in broadleaved stands. 12.Insect outbreaks in managed and unmanaged forests. 13.Current problems of forest protection in spruce stands under conversion. Most of the copies of those publications are available free of charge through IBL’s website Articles 29 scientific papers and articles were published as a result of Proforest activity.