DNS zone suffix option for DHCPv6 (draft-yan-dhc-dhcpv6-opt-dnszone-01.txt) IETF 61 (Washington, DC) Yinglan Jiang Renxiang Yan Alcatel Shanghai Bell
2 Background A typical model for IPv6 access network Prefix delegation from aggregation device to CPE Router Advertisement from CPE to IPv6 terminals IPv6 makes it possible for every terminal to become a “ server ”, it will be convenient to have a domain name for the terminal. We should make it easy to configure Aggregation device CPE Terminal ISP networkUser network IP prefix delegation Using DHCP Terminal RA ISP core network From: RFC3633 (IPv6 Prefix Options for DHCPv6)
3 Background (cont.) Three existing methods to register domain name Manually add a DNS RR (resource record) into the DNS server database; RA-based DNS auto-registration mechanism; draft-jeong-ipv6-ra-dns-autoconf-01.txt Using FQDN option, register domain name by DHCP client or DHCP server; draft-volz-dhc-dhcpv6-fqdn-00.txt
4 When using in access network Usage Manually configure a DNS zone suffix in CPE; CPE advertises DNS information to terminals using RA, terminals perform DNS update. Disadvantage Manually configure a DNS zone suffix in CPE require a lot of efforts. Aggregation device CPE Terminal ISP core network ISP networkUser network IP prefix delegation Using DHCP Terminal RA Using RA-based method
5 When using in access network (cont.) Usage CPE will work as a DHCP client to request the prefix from aggregation device, and as a DHCP server to configure an IP address and FQDN to each terminal. Terminal or CPE performs DNS update. Disadvantages DNS zone suffix should be manually configured in the CPE; Doing DNS update from user side may conflict with the intension of FQDN option. Aggregation device CPE Terminal ISP core network ISP networkUser network IP prefix delegation Using DHCP DHCP server Terminal FQDN Using FQDN option – method 1
6 When using in access network (cont.) Usage Each terminal requests an unique IPv6 address, along with FQDN from DHCP server in provider side. Terminal or DHCP server performs DNS update Disadvantages Too many terminals will require high performance of DHCP server CPE and aggregation device should realize DHCP relay CPE Terminal ISP networkUser network DHCP relay Terminal Aggregation device ISP core network DHCP server DHCP relay FQDN Using FQDN option – method 2
7 DNS zone suffix option for DHCPv6 A new method here: DNS zone suffix option for DHCPv6 DNS zone suffix option will provide a method to transfer DNS zone suffix from DHCP server to DHCP client (typically, a router used for stateless configuration).
8 Definition & Typical operation Definition Operation DHCP client sends a SOLICIT /REQUEST /INFORMATION REQUEST message to DHCP server DHCP server sends REPLY message with DNS zone suffix option to DHCP client | OPTION_DNS_Zone_suffix | option-length | | ~ DNS zone suffix ~ |
9 Usage of DNS zone suffix option CPE requests IPv6 prefix and DNS zone suffix from aggregation device CPE transfers DNS information to terminals Using RA-based DNS auto-registration, OR Using an embedded DHCPv6 server(stateful/stateless) in CPE. Terminals perform DNS update with DNS server. Aggregation device CPE Terminal ISP core network ISP networkUser network IP prefix delegation Using DHCP Terminal DNS zone suffix option RA
10 To conclude IDMethodApplicable toReference 1ManuallyNetwork with few host- 2RA-basedEnterprise network draft-jeong-ipv6-ra-dns- autoconf-01.txt 3FQDN optionEnterprise network draft-volz-dhc-dhcpv6- fqdn-00.txt 4 DNS suffix option + (RA-based, stateless DHCP or FQDN option) IPv6 Access network Draft-yan-dhc-dhcpv6- opt-dnszone-01.txt Four methods to register domain name
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