How much do you know about bald eagles? Part 3 T. Trimpe 2008


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Presentation transcript:

How much do you know about bald eagles? Part 3 T. Trimpe

1.In what year did the bald eagle become the National Emblem of the United States? A B C What is the length of a bald eagles wingspan? A. 4-5 feet B. 5-6 feet C feet 3. How many talons does an eagle have on each foot? A. 3 B. 4 C TRUE or FALSE? The beak of an eagle is almost as long as its head. 5. How many feathers do bald eagles have? A B C D. Over TRUE or FALSE? All bald eagles have white head and tail feathers.

1.In what year did the bald eagle become the National Emblem of the United States? A B C What is the length of a bald eagles wingspan? A. 4-5 feet B. 5-6 feet C feet 3. How many talons does an eagle have on each foot? A. 3 B. 4 C TRUE or FALSE? The beak of an eagle is almost as long as its head. 5. How many feathers do bald eagles have? A B C D. Over TRUE or FALSE? All bald eagles have white head and tail feathers. It was selected because it is a species unique to North America. Ben Franklin wanted the wild turkey to be the national bird, because he though the eagle was of bad moral character. Harpy Eagle Red-tailed Hawk Golden Eagle Bald Eagle Great Horned Owl Peregrine Falcon

Adult Bald EagleImmature Bald Eagle