Hauptverband der Land- und Forstwirtschaftsbetriebe Österreichs ELO Forest Policy in Europe
Hauptverband der Land- und Forstwirtschaftsbetriebe Österreichs ELO Some figures about forest and wood in Europe: Total forest area (EU 25): 162 Mio. ha or 40 % of EU land area Productive forests: 87 Million ha 5 % of worlds forest, but provide 12 % of global felling of roundwood and 23 % of global industrial wood 15 Million private family forest owners 60 % of forest are (15 % in Greece, 83 % Austria) managed by families Small scale ownership: average size 5 ha FBI (EU 15) employs 2.7 Million people and has a turnover of 335 Billion € FBI (CEEC) employs people and has a turnover of 20.6 Billion €
Hauptverband der Land- und Forstwirtschaftsbetriebe Österreichs ELO Characteristics of forest management in Europe Multifunctional forest management (balancing economic, social, ecological and cultural requirements High natural diversity (from Lappland to Crete) of stands; diverse cultures of management and cooperation; various traditions and experiences Generation contract Local ownership, contributing to economic and social sustainability of communities Nature oriented management (integration of nature conservation values) Only 1 % of EU forests undisturbed by man, but over 2/3 are seminatural 12 % protected areas Annual increase of wood and forest land
Hauptverband der Land- und Forstwirtschaftsbetriebe Österreichs ELO Forestry in EU Policy Forest + timber are not part of EU treaties (Rome treaty): no special EU competence over forestry ART 32/3 EG – treaty without wood Subsidiarity No market regulation for wood
Hauptverband der Land- und Forstwirtschaftsbetriebe Österreichs ELO Forestry in EU Policy Many regulations concerning forests and wood, but no coordination and no strong strategy in favour of wood: Council Regulation 3528/86: protection of forests against atmospheric pollution Council Regulation 1467/94: genetic ressources Directive 1999/105/EG: marketing of reproductive material Forest focus regulation (2002): monitoring of forests and environmental interactions Natura 2000 (FFH, Birds directive) EFICS: European Forestry Information and Communication System (1615/89), data collection about forest sector
Hauptverband der Land- und Forstwirtschaftsbetriebe Österreichs ELO EC 1257/99 Rural development Biodiversity strategy 1998 and Community Biodiversity Action Plan adopted Kyoto Protocol 1997 and 2001 European Climate Change Programme FLEGT Revision of the EU forestry strategy (1999/C56/01) in progress
Hauptverband der Land- und Forstwirtschaftsbetriebe Österreichs ELO Coordination and support needed Efforts to include forestry under Article 1-16 of the Draft Constitutional Treaty on “Areas for supporting, coordinating or complementary action” in 2003/2004 without success Concentration on the revision of the EU forest strategy
Hauptverband der Land- und Forstwirtschaftsbetriebe Österreichs ELO Our Partners at EU Level CEPF: specialised in forestry issues ELO: general ownership matters
Hauptverband der Land- und Forstwirtschaftsbetriebe Österreichs ELO Action in Brussels →Member in different Commission Advisory Commitées (forestry + corke, Rural Development, Climate Change) →Lobbying in EU institutions DG Agri, Environment, Enterprise, Trade Parliament →CEPF+CEPI+Cei Bois Working groups Natura 2000 Forum (ELO,CEPF,FACE, Fishers) →CEPF Working Group for Climate Change, Communication etc. →Close Cooperation between CEPF and the Certification System PEFC