NHS ISLINGTON JSNA UPDATE JSNA Workshop 30 th September Presented by Rachel Maan.


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Presentation transcript:

NHS ISLINGTON JSNA UPDATE JSNA Workshop 30 th September Presented by Rachel Maan

ISLINGTON STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP The ISP strives to improve the quality of life of local people and to create a community where people from very diverse backgrounds, comprising extremes of advantage and disadvantage all have a chance to fulfil their potential.  Established February 2002  Good integration between LA, PCT and partners  LA and PCT boundaries co-terminus  See ISP structure diagram

ISLINGTON STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP The Islington Strategic Partnership (ISP) consists of: ISP Board ISP Executive Five Thematic Partnerships The board consists of: Fire Brigade Islington Council Islington Primary Care Trust Police Islington Community Network Job Centre Plus City and Islington College London Metropolitan University Homes for Islington Islington Housing Group Islington Chamber of Commerce

ISLINGTON STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP The ISP has five thematic partnerships. These groups deliver the priorities set out in Islington's SCS and LAA - Children’s Board - Environment and Sustainability Partnership - Health and Wellbeing Partnership - Safer Islington Partnership - Social and Economic Wellbeing Partnership Two tier governance structures Social determinants approach to JSNA – correlates well with the ISP structure JSNA structure reads directly across to the themes identified in the SCS

ISLINGTON COMMUNITY NETWORK Islington Community Network aims to provide a forum for Voluntary and Community networks across Islington. Twenty five voluntary and community networks are members including: - Islington Disability Network - Islington Advice Alliance - Islington Tenants’ and Residents’ Association - Islington Refugee Forum - Islington Bangladesh Association ICN was created to promote the interests of voluntary and community organisations in Islington, to build relationships with the public and private sector, often through the ISP.

PROJECT OVERVIEW Aim: to improve community and voluntary sector engagement Community and voluntary sector engagement Engagement across the whole process Utilise existing consultation data Active dialogue with the community Capture the complexity of the local population Engaging with local networks, groups and forums Communicating the outcomes of the JSNA Social marketing and the NHSI brand

GOALS AND OUTCOMES The goals… To empower local people to voice their needs To engage with and listen to the third sector To foster greater local ownership of the JSNA process and outcomes To maintain on-going local engagement in the JSNA cycle The outcomes… Priorities that reflect the needs of the local population Increased relevance of services for local people Improved uptake, quality and sustainability of services Stronger relationships with the local community and the third sector

PROJECT APPROACH Assimilation of existing engagement activity Third sector call for evidence Citizens panel questionnaire on health Voluntary sector / LINk input Used to inform chapter on engagement Consultation on the final JSNA

PROGRESS TO DATE JSNA currently being updated; aiming for a first draft by December Timescales had to be extended owing to pandemic flu Citizens panel questionnaire designed with LBI and about to be launched Third sector call – analysis to commence shortly. Existing engagement activity information – collated and currently identifying capacity for analysis Channels of communication with key stakeholders in voluntary sector and with LINk opened up

WHAT HAS WORKED WELL? Shift from a quantitative to a qualitative approach embraced New Head of Communications and Engagement – opportunity to raise the profile of engagement and role of JSNA at board level and to better engage with commissioning Opportunity to bring together engagement activities across LBI and PCT and analyse Engagement from LA colleagues – partnership approach

WHAT DIDN’T WORK WELL? Response to third sector call for information Project group delayed Engagement chapter written in parallel to the rest of the document – difficult to pull the quantitative and qualitative aspects together. Evidence base for chapters a challenge to produce Better integration between work streams may have been possible e.g. programme budgeting Timing with commissioning processes

WHAT WOULD BE DONE DIFFERENTLY? Project group in place earlier Workshop early on to brief chapter leads on developing evidence bases Integrate related work streams into one bundle Workshop type event for voluntary / community sector Better alignment with commissioning timescales

Perception that the JSNA was a one off and criticism of the 2008 process Competing priorities and lack of capacity Managing expectations of different stakeholders Voluntary sector and community understanding of the JSNA Rapidly changing environment – acute sector changes WHAT BARRIERS HAD TO BE OVERCOME?

Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention and Total Place: - JSNA has offered a start but is just one part of the process - Whole systems approach is required We need to do further work to bench mark and evaluate services Raises a number of questions / concerns… - How do you balance community perception of need with organisational perceptions of how to rationalise? - How do we ensure the JSNA is fit for purpose in a rapidly changing environment? - How do we triangulate the JSNA, Dazi and the restructure the acute sector? LOOKING AHEAD…