Match the Northern European countries! Iceland Ireland Finland Norway United Kingdom Denmark Sweden
Northern Europe Can be divided into two regions. 1.British Isles: - United Kingdom - Ireland 2. Scandinavian (Nordic) Countries: - Norway - Sweden - Denmark - Iceland - Finland Denmark Finland Iceland Norway Sweden
UNITED KINGDOM Includes: –England –Scotland –Wales All on the island of Great Britain –Northern Ireland. Thames River – most important river. Climate = Marine West Coast Two landform regions: 1.Lowland – Southern half 2. Highlands – North and West
U.K. (CONT’D) Great Britain was 1 st to industrialize. Constitutional MonarchyConstitutional Monarchy with Queen but Parliament is lawmaking branch of government. –Queen Elizabeth is a “figure head” (no real power…just for show)
More on the United Kingdom London is capital & largest city Home to Buckingham Palace (residence of British Monarch).
REPUBLIC OF IRELAND Called the “Emerald Isle” Marine West Coast = Climate. Government is a Parliamentary Democracy 19 th Century: Famous potato famine = many Irish to emigrate to U.S. (Chicago & Boston) Country produces dairy products, beef, poultry, potatoes, grains, & beer. 1/3 of people live in Dublin (capital).
Irish Revamp their Resources How? Created PEAT BOGS! Cut peat from large beds and burn it as fuel. What is Peat? Partially decayed plant matter found in bogs
Tower of London Royal Guard Castle in Wales
SCANDINAVIA (NORDIC COUNTRIES) Once the home of the Vikings. People are urbanized and well educated. All of the nations are Protestant (Lutheran) in religion.
Northernmost nation of Europe Climate: –Marine West Coast One of Europe’s most mountainous nations. Most people live on coastal plain or shores of fjords –Steep U-shaped valleys that connect to the sea; filled w/seawater after glaciers melt Europe’s leading fishing nation. Oslo (capital) is home to more than ½ of the population.Oslo (capital) is home to more than ½ of the population.
Fjords & Polders Polder: Land reclaimed by diking and draining.
Largest Scandinavian country –In both area and population forestryfarmingmining manufacturingFour industries are forestry, farming, mining, and manufacturing. Forests cover more than ½ of country. highest world taxesHave some of the highest world taxes. (60% of paycheck) NeutralNeutral foreign policy.
Businesses of Sweden Other Activities of Scandinavia
DENMARK Smallest of the Nordic countries. Most densely populated 60% of land is used for agriculture. Has one of the world’s highest per capita incomes.
Tivoli Arch
GREENLAND Lies between the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. Self-governing province of Denmark. Thousands of feet of ice caps cover nearly 85% of the island. Most of the people are Inuit.
ICELAND Europe’s westernmost nation. Land of lava rock and more than 100 volcanoes. More than 70% of income comes from fishing. geysershot springs that shoot hot water and steam into the airHome to geysers (hot springs that shoot hot water and steam into the air). Little crime or unemployment.
International Issues: Whaling The hunting of whales; dates back centuries
FINLAND Mainly a glaciated plain with about 50,000 lakes. Only 10% of land is arable (good for farming). Forests cover 60% of country (valuable resource).