Will the environmental quality objectives be achieved by 2020*? A new basis for assessment has been introduced. Progress towards the environmental quality objectives has been assessed in terms of whether, by the target year, conditions can be created for achieving, in the longer term, the state of the environment which the objectives express. The new basis for assessment also takes into account –the timescale of recovery in the natural environment –the possibility of a certain time lag before measures have effects. This year’s review of progress is not comparable with earlier reviews. * 2050 in the case of the climate objective ILLUSTRATIONS OF ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES: TOBIAS FLYGAR ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES IMAGE/PHOTO: HANS MALMBERG/NORDICPHOTOS BILDBYRÅ
1.Reduced Climate Impact – VERY DIFFICULT TO ACHIEVE Global greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced by 50–70 per cent from 1990 levels by 2050, and must be close to zero by the end of the century. A transition to a low fossil fuel energy system and more efficient use of energy is needed. The trend in the state of the environment is negative.
2.Clean Air – ACHIEVABLE IF FURTHER ACTION IS TAKEN Air quality is steadily improving, although air pollution is still causing significant damage to human health, vegetation and cultural heritage. The problems that remain are due to local emissions from road traffic, mobile machinery and wood-fired heating, and to emissions originating abroad. The trend in the state of the environment is positive.
3.Natural Acidification Only – ACHIEVABLE IF FURTHER ACTION IS TAKEN Further cuts must be made in sulphur and nitrogen emissions to air across Europe. The acidifying effect of forestry in Sweden must be reduced. Increased transport, use of wood fuel and energy production will affect progress. The trend in the state of the environment is positive.
4.A Non-Toxic Environment – VERY DIFFICULT TO ACHIEVE Production of and trade in chemicals are increasing worldwide, and regulations and safety standards are often inadequate. Important rules have been introduced, but additional effective policy instruments are needed at all levels. It will take time to reduce risks in society and levels of hazardous substances in the environment. No clear trend in the state of the environment can be seen.
5.A Protective Ozone Layer – ACHIEVABLE WITH CURRENT MEASURES Action to ban and restrict ozone-depleting substances is being taken internationally, chiefly under the Montreal Protocol. This work must not be undermined, for example by illegal trade. The trend in the state of the environment is positive.
6.A Safe Radiation Environment – ACHIEVABLE IF FURTHER ACTION IS TAKEN Exposure to all forms of radiation is normally low, compared with limit values. Changing behaviour with regard to ultraviolet radiation is difficult. The national waste plan provides a good basis for the disposal of all radioactive wastes. No clear trend in the state of the environment can be seen.
7.Zero Eutrophication – ACHIEVABLE IF FURTHER ACTION IS TAKEN International agreements and implementation of EU directives have become increasingly important. The trend in the state of the environment is positive.
8.Flourishing Lakes and Streams – ACHIEVABLE IF FURTHER ACTION IS TAKEN Problems of freshwater eutrophication and acidification must be reduced. Efforts to restore rivers and streams must be stepped up. More lakes and watercourses of high nature conservation and cultural heritage value must be given long-term protection. The trend in the state of the environment is positive.
9.Good-Quality Groundwater – ACHIEVABLE IF FURTHER ACTION IS TAKEN A range of activities adversely affect groundwater. River basin district authorities’ programmes of measures must be effective. Risks of groundwater impacts must be better understood and greater attention paid to them by different stakeholders. No clear trend in the state of the environment can be seen.
10. A Balanced Marine Environment, Flourishing Coastal Areas and Archipelagos – VERY DIFFICULT TO ACHIEVE The measures introduced to date do not go far enough. It is unclear whether sufficient measures and resources will be decided on. No clear trend in the state of the environment can be seen.
11.Thriving Wetlands – ACHIEVABLE IF FURTHER ACTION IS TAKEN A large proportion of wetlands have disappeared or been disturbed in various ways. Biodiversity and ecosystem services have been adversely affected. Proper consideration for wetlands is needed, combined with long-term protection and careful restoration. No clear trend in the state of the environment can be seen.
12.Sustainable Forests – ACHIEVABLE IF FURTHER ACTION IS TAKEN Forests are intensively exploited. Natural habitats are becoming fragmented and forests with long continuity are declining. Quantities of deadwood and areas of mature forest with a large deciduous component are increasing. Better consideration for the environment and more resources for long-term protection of forests of high conservation value are needed. No clear trend in the state of the environment can be seen.
13.A Varied Agricultural Landscape – ACHIEVABLE IF FURTHER ACTION IS TAKEN Natural and cultural values are threatened both by farmland becoming overgrown and by intensive agriculture. The direction of agricultural policy is of great significance – a healthy farming sector is crucial to meeting this objective. No clear trend in the state of the environment can be seen.
14.A Magnificent Mountain Landscape – ACHIEVABLE IF FURTHER ACTION IS TAKEN Great restraint should be shown in approving wind energy, mining and other operations in undisturbed mountain areas. Continued grazing by reindeer is needed to maintain a wide, open landscape. Mountain regions will continue to be affected by climate change. No clear trend in the state of the environment can be seen.
15.A Good Built Environment – VERY DIFFICULT TO ACHIEVE A wide range of action needs to be taken, by a variety of stakeholders. Some problems have yet to be pinpointed. Major efforts are required to deal with noise and poor indoor environments. Land use planning must be strengthened and cultural heritage in built-up areas protected. No clear trend in the state of the environment can be seen.
16.A Rich Diversity of Plant and Animal Life – VERY DIFFICULT TO ACHIEVE Ambitious milestone targets are needed. Efforts to protect and manage natural areas and promote sustainable use of biodiversity must continue. The survival of species and the capacity of ecosystems to produce goods and services must be safeguarded. No clear trend in the state of the environment can be seen.