HISTORY creation of Joint European Committee for the Building and Woodworkers Sectors Salerno - European Federation of Building and Woodworkers in the Community Secretariat was established in Brussels Constitution EFBWW (recognised by ETUC) non-EU union members (Croatia, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Turkey) start of process of joining CEE’s unions VIII SUMMIT OF REFORME Gijon, 26 th -27 th June 2008
STRUCTURE European Industry Federation (construction, building materials, wood, furniture and forestry employees 68 affiliated unions, 29 countries, members represented Member organisation of ETUC and BWI General Assembly, Executive Committee, Standing Committees Building and Wood, Working Party H&S President, Deputy Presidents, General Secretary, Management Committee, Secretariat VIII SUMMIT OF REFORME Gijon, 26 th -27 th June 2008
SOCIAL DIALOGUE European Social Dialogue of the Construction Industry from 1990 EFBWW is also partner in the Social Dialogues Furniture and Wood Working Groupes on Employment, OSH and Vocational Education and Training Working Group Vocational Training from 1998 Vocational training policy as one of the most important instruments for developement of sustainable construction industry VET as mobility facilitating factor Exchange of best practices in VET VIII SUMMIT OF REFORME Gijon, 26 th -27 th June 2008
EFBWW- FIEC VET PROGRAMME VET programme as important part of multi- annual program VET in Joint Work Programme of the European Social Partners of the Construction Industry Main topics: Recognition of qualification - Europass - European Qualifications Framework - European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training Demorafic needs and challenges Energy efficiency VIII SUMMIT OF REFORME Gijon, 26 th -27 th June 2008
FORMER VET ORIENTED PROJECTS Comparative Survey of Vocational Training Systems in the European Construction Industry (EFBWW study 2000 prof. G.Syben) TUTORSHIP – examples for the integration of young people in the company "ENETOSH" - A project concerning safety training questions in all areas of school and vocational training. VIII SUMMIT OF REFORME Gijon, 26 th -27 th June 2008
CURRENT PROPOSALS „BRICKLAYER” - recognition of bricklaying qualifications and competences by enhancing their transparency and comparability, thereby increasing the effectiveness of mobility and the quality of labour across Europe. It seeks to overcome some of the challenges posed to EQF implementation by the diversity of qualifications and VET. “European Qualification Framework” VIII SUMMIT OF REFORME Gijon, 26 th -27 th June 2008
EFBWW VET POLICY Construction skils and competences evolvement - need of lifelong and multidimensional education Mobility - European dimension - recognition of qualification Tools; EQF, ECVET, Europass - conditions for success Demographic changes and chalenges Professional development - freedom to chose the training options VIII SUMMIT OF REFORME Gijon, 26 th -27 th June 2008
LABOUR AND EDUCATIONAL MARKET LINKS Different approaches and complementary views Need of coordinated actions Common platform for VET providers, certification institutions, employers and trade unions Paritarian VET institutions and direct cooperation of trade unions and VET institutions Addeed value of ‘tripartite’ projects and co-operation Big challenge - ‘Flexicurity’ in VET VIII SUMMIT OF REFORME Gijon, 26 th -27 th June 2008
Thank you for your attention... and all the best for REFORME Network... VIII SUMMIT OF REFORME Gijon, 26 th -27 th June 2008