Serres prefecture (Greek: Νομός Σερρών Nomos Serron) is a prefecture located in east northeastern Greek Macedonia.Greek Macedonia
Tourism The Prefecture's visitors can have enjoyable moments in St. John, a suburb of Serres' Municipality; in the Valley of St. Anargiri, where you can find anything you need in order to have a good time; in Lailias, a place with plenty of greenery and a modern skiing Centre; in Kerkini Lake with the admirable artificial irrigation dam, the hydrobiosphere and plenty of fresh fish; in Ano Poroia with cool mountainous climate during the summer and fresh trouts; in Alistrati, where you can admire the beautiful cave which is one of the best in Europe.
Archaeological and Historical places In the Prefecture there are interesting Archaeological and Historical places that people can visit. These are: the city of Serres, the area of Amfipolis, the Monastery of Saint John the Baptist and the Monastery of Icosifinisa with rare hagiographies.
ECONOMY The main characteristic in the natural environment of the Prefecture of Serres is the fertile plain, which is surrounded by a forestry mountain chain. Sixty eight torrents flow into this green plain enriching it with brought substances. As a result of that this area, as seen from the agricultural point of view, belongs to the particularly agricultural parts of Greece and its contribution to the agricultural income of the country is rather important. This privileged position of the Prefecture of Serres is not only due to the large arable area and the fertility of the ground. The water surface of the Prefecture covers square kilometers and it is used advantageously with large land reclamation works which are instrumental in the production of exquisite agricultural products, such as: tobacco; cotton; rice; sugar-beets etc. The ability of the farmers to adjust themselves quickly to improved systems of agricultural exploitation plays a very important role.
Industry - Small Industry In the Prefecture there is a Milk Pasteurization Industry, Sugar Industry, five Tomato-puree and Tomato products Industries, Cheese Industries, Distilleries, Halvah Industries, Cotton Gins, Wood, sweets and Cattle Feed processing. There are also factories producing Boilers, Exhaust Pipes, Clothes etc.