CZ - SK National Workshop Prague, October 2nd 2002 Nature-GIS: a project outline GISIG.


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Presentation transcript:

CZ - SK National Workshop Prague, October 2nd 2002 Nature-GIS: a project outline GISIG

CZ - SK National Workshop Prague, October 2nd 2002 Nature-GIS : a European thematic network for Protected Areas/Nature Preservation and Geographical Information Thematic network IST Programme, code IST Start April 2002 Duration 36 months

CZ - SK National Workshop Prague, October 2nd 2002 Main objectives and output: Objectives To support the provision of harmonised geo-information about Protected Areas To support public access to data and information in the EU and in the new accession countries To raise awareness regarding the use of GI-GIS in this field Output Technical guidelines for GI data for protected areas Definition and demostration of a Web access to GI data The thematic network NATURE-GIS

CZ - SK National Workshop Prague, October 2nd 2002 Expected outcome: use of the Guidelines to implement GIS in protected areas demonstration of how is applicable web access to information in the field European awareness for a supra-national approach in GI management in protected areas establishment of a pan-European “Nature- GIS group”

CZ - SK National Workshop Prague, October 2nd 2002 The Nature-GIS approach

CZ - SK National Workshop Prague, October 2nd 2002 Network and outcome

CZ - SK National Workshop Prague, October 2nd 2002 Project WP’s 1(Network management) 2User needs assessment 3Data requirements and policy 4Functional requirements 5Access to information and GI technology 6Technical guidelines for data infrastructures for protected areas 7Assessment and evaluation 8Dissemination 9Nature-GIS towards a pan-European network for protected areas

CZ - SK National Workshop Prague, October 2nd 2002 WP structure

CZ - SK National Workshop Prague, October 2nd 2002

CZ - SK National Workshop Prague, October 2nd 2002 Partnership Project Co-ordinator GISIG - Geographical Information Systems International Group (I) Steering Committee Members and WP Leaders JRC-IES University of Aberdeen (UK) Ionic Software (B) University of Evora (P) Cemagref - Centre National du machinisme agricole, du genie rural, des eaux et des forets (F) Regione Piemonte (I)

CZ - SK National Workshop Prague, October 2nd 2002 Network members Tarnium (F) Stiftung Europaisches Naturerbe (D) Lulea University of Technology (S) University of Cyprus (CY) VUGTK - Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography (CZ) Estonian Environment Information Centre (EE) University of West Hungary (H) University of Zilina (SK) University of Grenoble Joseph Fourier (F) University of Girona (E) Ursit (BG) Jagellonian University (PL) (Subcontractors are foreseen) Partnership

CZ - SK National Workshop Prague, October 2nd 2002 First project phase: Assessment of: user needs data requirements functional requirements

CZ - SK National Workshop Prague, October 2nd 2002 You can already do something for Nature-GIS: We are currently in the assessment phase and a questionnaire addressing the Nature-GIS stakeholders is to being released very soon. To have a good assessment of the needs in this region would help very much: (us) to have a more complete picture of the different situations (you) to favour the link to the overall European context and a better representation of your needs in this context

CZ - SK National Workshop Prague, October 2nd 2002 Nature-GIS web-site at:

CZ - SK National Workshop Prague, October 2nd 2002

CZ - SK National Workshop Prague, October 2nd 2002 on the web- site is already available the first issue of the newsletter (more info on the project and on the partnership)

CZ - SK National Workshop Prague, October 2nd 2002 Nature-GIS as a thematic network: EURIPIDES-GI: EURopean Integrated Project to Improve DEcision-making in protected areaS –National and European level –Concept of multifunctional protected areas –Sustainability –European Directives –Geo Infrastructure for protected areas

CZ - SK National Workshop Prague, October 2nd 2002 EURIPIDES-GI Thematic Research Exploitation and linkage with other EU initiatives and Target Groups GI Infrastructure Leverage Activities Thematic Research Natural and Ecological aspects. GI and … (bio-diversity protection, Land use/land cover changes, Planning and impact of ecological corridors, Marine protected areas, Global change and protection of wetlands) Human impact and integration in protected areas. GI and … (global change and dynamic evaluation, urban development, European transport networks impact and related hazard, tourism, human heritage)

CZ - SK National Workshop Prague, October 2nd 2002 Open partnership. Currently the Nature-GIS partners and: ICI – National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics, RO Institute of Environmental Protection, EE IGP-Instituto Geografico Portugues, PT Romanian Space Agency, RO Tecnopolis CSATA, I UNEP/GRID Warsaw, PL University of Antwerp VTT, Technical Research Centre of Finland- Technical University of Vienna, Geoinformation Dpt. EURIPIDES-GI

CZ - SK National Workshop Prague, October 2nd 2002 EURIPIDES-GI

CZ - SK National Workshop Prague, October 2nd 2002 Nature-GIS and the link to the EU policies: An example: Inspire Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe

CZ - SK National Workshop Prague, October 2nd 2002 INSPIRE The INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe initiative aims at making available relevant, harmonised and quality geographic information for the purpose of formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Community policy-making.

CZ - SK National Workshop Prague, October 2nd 2002 Almost all themes of the environment policy (water, forestry, climate, soil, biodiversity…) have a spatial dimension. the principal need for INSPIRE: an Information Base that provides detailed relevant harmonised spatial information for different policy areas (related to the environment) and that is commonly accessible.

CZ - SK National Workshop Prague, October 2nd 2002 Nature-GIS is a network bringing together the different stakeholders in protected areas, both users and experts in IT and in nature conservation, to address the requirements for geographic information in protected areas, with special reference to European policies in this field.

CZ - SK National Workshop Prague, October 2nd 2002 Just at the end: Thanks to the organisers of this double- National [:-)] workshop, the first one since the project has started. We do hope that Nature-GIS will able to give a small contribution for the management of environment and of nature of two beautiful Countries that for sure offer meaningful elements to assess and test the chosen approach.

CZ - SK National Workshop Prague, October 2nd 2002 Contact: Please get in touch with us if you need any further information or address to: Thank you very much for your attention!