Secret Police By: Evan Brown and Nick Fertita 1A
The Name The KGB, in the former Soviet Union, was the Committee for State Security In Russian: Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti
Purpose The Secret Police (KGB) was created on March 13, 1954 In order to spy on suspected groups of people. It originally was limited to only spy on foreign countries, but then it also spied on the country’s own citizens
What did it do? Wire tapping, eavesdropping, and infiltrating suspected groups were some ways the KGB kept control of the country. The KGB maintained communist control as well as body guards for the Soviet Officials and patrolled the borders. They also investigated treason, espionage, terrorism, sabotage, illegal entry and exiting of the soviet union.
The KGB symbol The secret police symbol is a sword and a shield. Slogan: “The shield to defend the revolution, and the sword to smite its foes”
Where did it come from? The KGB evolved from many different security agencies within Russia. The first Secret Police agency was the Checka, which was disbanded around Then it was transferred into the GPU, or State Political Directorate. Then it was renamed to the NKVD, and eventually became the KGB
Where is it? The secret police headquarters was formed in Moscow, Russia Headquarters, on Lubyanka Square, was designed by Aleksey Schusev.
KGB Troops The KGB security had about 40,000 troops in 1989 which were responsible for installation, maintenance, and operation of secret communications facilities for leading party and government bodies The border troops consisted of about 230,000 men in 1989.
The End On December 21 st, 1995, Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed the decree that disbanded the KGB, to be substituted by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.
Animal Farm Connections In the book Animal Farm, the KGB/Secret Police is represented by the dogs. Dogs They were trained in private by Napoleon Napoleon used them to eliminate his enemy (Snowball) They guarded all the pigs Used force to strengthen the beliefs of the pigs, upon the other animals Executed disloyal animals Help Napoleon maintain power KGB/Secret Police Evolved from the Checka, and other secret police agencies Stalin used secret police to kill Trotsky Guarded Soviet Union leaders and officials Used force and spying to get what they wanted Was strictly loyal to the leader
Works Cited Wheeler, Douglas L. "Secret police." World Book Online Reference Center Ocean Lakes High School. March Richelson, Jeffrey T. "KGB." Encyclopedia Americana Grolier Online. 13 Mar Goldman, Stuart D. "KGB." World Book Online Reference Center Ocean Lakes High School. March Pike, John. “Committee for State Security”. Ocean Lakes High School. March