Global Monitoring for Environment and Security Mauro FACCHINI DG ENTR- GMES Bureau NEREUS – 1 December 2010
An independent Earth Observation system for Europe The largest fleet of satellites and atmosphere/earth- based monitoring instruments in the world An end user-focused programme of services for environment and security Joined-up information for policymakers, scientists, businesses and the public Europe’s response to the global need for environment and climate monitoring What is GMES?
EU Added value Overall “information chain”: from observation to information required by the users “System of systems“: mutualisation & long term sustainability of capacities & resources Build on existing capacities in MS Coordination of user needs at Global, European, National and Regional level
What is the objective? provide information services to policy-makers and other users EARTH OBSERVING SYSTEMS (space, airborne, in-situ) PUBLIC POLICIES (Environment & Security) Information Needs (policy driven) Space Agencies In-situ Observing systems Scientific Community EO Value Adding Industry National Governments and Agencies European Union Institutions InterGovernmental Organisations (IGOs) Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) Regional administrations
Initiation of GMES, Baveno Manifesto Gothenburg EU Summit “establish by 2008 an operational European capacity for … GMES” Investments by ESA and EC on services GMES becomes ‘flagship’ of the European Space Policy ESA C-MIN in Berlin approves GMES Space Component programme GMES Bureau creation 1,2 B€ in the period EC-ESA agreement on GMES signed GMES services presented at Lille Forum Commission proposal for a GMES Programme Regulation Commission Communication on the GMES Space component EP and EU Council adopt the regulation; Launch of first GMES Sentinels Some key milestones
GMES Overall View USERS OBSERVATION Policy makers Private, commercial Public && In Situ Infrastructure Space Infrastructure & LandMarineAtmosphereEmergencySecurityClimate What is their need? Examples provided Information services Sustainable information FarmingOil Spill TrackingAir qualityFloodSurveillanceClimate Change
GMES Components GMES is an EU led initiative In-situ component – coordinated by EEA Observations mostly within national responsibility, with coordination at European level air, sea- and ground-based systems and instruments Space Component – coordinated by ESA Sentinels - EO missions developed specifically for GMES: Contributing Missions - EO missions built for purposes other than GMES but offering part of their capacity to GMES (EU/ESA MSs, EUMETSAT, commercial, international)
GMES Services Horizontal applications Monitoring of Earth systems Land Marine Atmosphere SecurityEmergencyClimate Change
Expected benefits Cat.1 (Efficiency Benefits): 2786 M€ Cat.2 (European Policy Formulation Benefits): M€ Cat. 3 (Global Action Benefits): M€ Total benefits (up to 2030): Efficiency Saving Air Quality Marine Flooding Conflict Resolution Humanitarian Aid Seismic Application Forest Fires ‘Other’ risk & Civil Security Appl. Forest Ecosystems (EU) Climate Change – Adaptation Deforestation – Climate Desertification Desertification – Ecosystem 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 Based on PWC study
Expected benefits Short term: support to the implementation of running policies and legislation Medium Term: support to the definition and formulation of new policies Longer Term: impacting the formulation and implementation of policies with a global reach
Expected benefits Space technologies and derived services as building block of the innovation plan, which is part of the European strategy against the economic crisis The implementation of GMES will be ensured by European Companies : - downstream services companies will benefit from the European investments - They will have the ability to develop long term strategy thanks to Earth Observation data - The competencies will be kept and available in Europe
Programme evolution R&D EU Operational programme R&D Initial Operations Preparatory actions Preparatory actions
Financing Emergency Land Take up of Services Space Component Governance GMES Committee Security Board User Forum Implementation of Initial Operations
Estimate funding required before and after 2014 Cost analysis Prepare GMES Governance, for build-up and operational programme GMES legislative programme Next programmatic steps
It is highly important to involve the regional dimension in the implementation of GMES services. This involvement will: help to identify specific needs that could be similar in different regions and could form the basis for a cross-border and trans-national cooperation, promote GMES capabilities better in local administrations and thereby foster an increased demand. facilitate access to services for regional users foster partnerships for downstream service providers Role of regions
Call for proposals was included in FP7-Space Workrprogramme 2010 (negotiations ongoing) Expected impact from selected projects improving the knowledge, structuring and awareness of the GMES downstream sector at the regional level. supporting downstream service providers’ ability to obtain a better market overview, to identify and assess market segments suitable for investment, and to identify potential partners. providing regional users of GMES services with a facilitated identification of services and service providers with a capacity to respond to their needs. enhancing the attraction for regional financial support to GMES related activities. Role of regions
Conclusion GMES is a challenge: it is an ambitious programme with great expectations and involves several partners. Ambitious activities need time Moving from Research to operations Regions role as users and downstream market facilitators
For further information please visit EC GMES website : EU Space Research : FP7 services website:
Back-up slides
Land services Land services address a broad range of EU policies and users (land use planning, forestry, water, agriculture etc.) Stepwise approach: « multi-purpose » products common to many users and applications (1st priority): 3 components Global : Essential Climate Variables (ECVs), biogeophysical parameters in support to Climate Change monitoring Continental : Pan-EU products (e.g. Pan-EU land cover and land cover change) Local : zooming on ‘hot spot’ (e.g. urban areas, protected area, coastal areas etc.) thematic products at EU or International level (e.g. water quality/quantity models, crop forecasts, environmental indicators etc.)
Marine Maritime transport Ocean resources Sea temperature Sea level rise Oil spill monitoring … GMES Services
ATMOSPHERE Global & European Air quality Climate Forcing, e.g. Aerosols, GHG, ECVs Ozone UV monitoring/Solar radiation =>Support implementation of Directives (Air Quality) & international conventions (Montreal, CLRTAP, Kyoto) =>Better analysis of national, regional air pollution abatement policies & measures => Solar Energies: Solar-radiation potential analysis GMES Services
Emergency Natural hazards: - Floods - Fires - Earthquakes - Tsunamis -Land slides.. Man-made disasters GMES Services
Security Maritime surveillance Border control External actions Civil security … Security service under definition GMES Services
Climate Change Adaptation Mitigation Simulation Enforcement Tracking … GMES Services