UEF Geneva March 15 HNR1 Union of European Foresters Hervé Némoz-Rajot Vice President FAO UNECE workshop Genève (CH)
What is UEF? Union of European Foresters is the European organization for all associations, societies and unions of professional foresters, actively engaged in forestry UEF Geneva March 15 HNR2
Who is member of UEF? UEF groups together 24 associations from 20 countries. In total, UEF represents foresters of all ranks working in the forestry sector and with all kinds of forest ownerships (state, private, communities). UEF Geneva March 15 HNR3
Rovaniemi Action Plan Pillar C: decent green jobs in the forest sector C0: To develop and communicate strategies UEF propositions A holistic strategy under the participation of all actors in the sector is needed for Europe. to stress various levels in the different regions and the differences depending from ownership. UEF Geneva March 15 HNR4
C1: Workforce has the necessary skills to carry out task with SFM A basic overview of the global situation is necessary. There seems to be different situations in Forest management and practical forest work, as well as in different ownership structures. Minimum Training standards are necessary to ensure a professional standard of skills. UEF Geneva March 15 HNR5
C2: To reduce the levels of illness and injury To organize contacts between countries about National prevention systems and best practices actions Inclusion of non govermental key actors in the communication and info campaigns about the results UEF Geneva March 15 HNR6 C3: To review the work methods and best practices
C4: To promote the use of tools to assess the socio economic impacts Relevant tools should be identified and described. NGO are often closer connected to the target groups and should therefore be involved in the promotion with adequate resource equipment. UEF Geneva March 15 HNR7
C5: To improve the situation of forestry education Since many years UEF organizes a summer education camp promoting exchanges between forest students including this topic From UEF´s experience, promoting exchange on European level is an effective way of improving education and skills. UEF Geneva March 15 HNR8
Our UEF Communication tools Freshly renovated web- site: foresters.eu Presidency Letters Position papers Annual seminar Our network UEF Geneva March 15 HNR9
Thank you for your attention and comments! UEF Geneva March 15 HNR10