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Presentation transcript:


CONTENT INSPIRE in the Eyes of MoEF INSPIRE in the Eyes of MoEF Handling of Geodata by MoEF Handling of Geodata by MoEF Benefits Expected Benefits Expected TEIEN – First Steps for INSPIRE TEIEN – First Steps for INSPIRE Final Remarks Final Remarks Ministry of Environment and Forestry Özlem ESENGİN

INSPIRE in the Eyes of MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forestry Özlem ESENGİN The main technical principals of INSPIRE are; constructing a common infrastructure for handling geo-data, standardizing metadata definition, service oriented geodata processing, sharing information on different scales and levels depending on the purpose.

INSPIRE in the Eyes of MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forestry Özlem ESENGİN INSPIRE is perceived by the MoEF strategically at 3 different levels as; (inside MoEF) common infrastructure and central management for environmental geo-data ready to be used on different projects (within country) standard-based infrastructure for data and service sharing among different institutions (across Europe) sharing of data and services on an agreed upon infrastructure at international level

Handling of Geodata by MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forestry Özlem ESENGİN The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) works on collecting, organizing, integrating and presenting environmental data at governmental level by the means of several projects since 1990’s. Environmental Information System (EIS) – completed, maintenance ongoing Turkish Environmental Information Exchange Network (TEIEN) – ongoing For the time being, each project seeks for a solution on handling geo-data independent from each other.

Handling of Geodata by MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forestry Özlem ESENGİN Currently, there is duplication of efforts and resources for the projects. As a result of handling environmental geo-data separately for different projects, their collection methods, lineage information, metadata and quality may differ significantly. After the implementation of INSPIRE in MoEF, it is expected to prevent this type of losses in the environment sector.

Benefits Expected Ministry of Environment and Forestry Özlem ESENGİN Metadata Standardization Data discovery Authorization Interoperability We are here Desired state

Benefits Expected Ministry of Environment and Forestry Özlem ESENGİN Metadata construction and discovery for geodata Standardization in the management of geodata Data discovery through services and GeoPortal Authorization for data security Increased interoperability via service oriented infrastructure

Benefits Expected Ministry of Environment and Forestry Özlem ESENGİN The main problem in finding the required data via catalogue service is the lack of proper metadata information. With the implementation of INSPIRE in MoEF, it is expected to have a standard (based on ISO Geographic Information, Metadata) way of defining metadata for proper data discovery. The aim of this standardization is to increase the quality of data and interoperability among different projects and institutions.

Benefits Expected Ministry of Environment and Forestry Özlem ESENGİN Format, Production date, Producing organisation, Purpose, Temporal and spatial extent, Theme (category) and constraints (legal, use, monetary) are the basic search criteria when querying geo-data for a specific purpose and they are all included in the metadata structure proposed in INSPIRE.

Benefits Expected Ministry of Environment and Forestry Özlem ESENGİN INSPIRE proposes many inter-related services for handling geo-data. Basics of those services are defined precisely by Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), a commonly accepted authority for producing open standards in the geo- community. In fact, OGC forces a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for the inter-related services.

Benefits Expected Ministry of Environment and Forestry Özlem ESENGİN This SOA approach facilitates; data abstraction, implementation of institutional business rules, flexible workflow management, logging and auditing, platform / vendor independency, use of standard protocols, central control, customized user interfaces while preserving a common architecture and infrastructure.

Benefits Expected Ministry of Environment and Forestry Özlem ESENGİN With the implementation of INSPIRE in MoEF, it is expected that all these positive effects are reflected to the completed and ongoing projects in the long term. We expect to minimize the problems of data and service interoperability among different projects developed by various vendors, products, standards and architectures.

Benefits Expected Ministry of Environment and Forestry Özlem ESENGİN Geo-Portal is considered as a collaboration environment for sharing, discovery and presentation of necessary information within the environmental sector. It should combine geo-data and operational data (for many different purposes) to present a meaningful picture to its audience. This aim is only reachable by constructing a framework based on service oriented architecture that INSPIRE proposes.

Benefits Expected Ministry of Environment and Forestry Özlem ESENGİN All the necessary geo-data services are included in the long-term plan of INSPIRE. If the implementation of other projects are based on SOA for operational data, then it is possible to harmonize those operational data with geo-data easily. With the implementation of INSPIRE in MoEF, it is expected that the framework will be ready for the above mentioned purpose for geo-data.

Benefits Expected Ministry of Environment and Forestry Özlem ESENGİN After that, the projects are going to be requested to support the framework by supplying necessary services for sharing discovery presentation of operational data to be exchanged with other projects.

TEIEN – First Steps for INSPIRE Ministry of Environment and Forestry Özlem ESENGİN TEIEN (Turkish Environmental Information Exchange Network) is an ongoing project with the purpose of creating an environment over which participants shall exchange regular environmental data through the mechanisms and applications to be developed.

TEIEN – First Steps for INSPIRE Ministry of Environment and Forestry Özlem ESENGİN The system will also serve advanced reporting tools and GIS-enabled decision support tools for geo-referenced environmental data. In TEIEN project, a prototype of metadata editor and catalogue service interface are being developed. After those facilities are put into service we expect from users an increased awareness of metadata and search capabilities.

TEIEN – First Steps for INSPIRE Ministry of Environment and Forestry Özlem ESENGİN As such, TEIEN will contribute significantly to the realization of government objectives to improve information exchange between institutions as a critical element necessary to effectively manage and mitigate current and future environmental issues and impacts. With the realisation of TEIEN in MoEF, the first steps of prototype INSPIRE implementation shall be completed.

Final Remarks Ministry of Environment and Forestry Özlem ESENGİN Besides all these tangible expectations of Turkish environmental sector from INSPIRE, the actual and intangible effects of implementing INSPIRE in MoEF shall be; forming more effective environmental policies using reliable and timely environmental geo-data solving the problems regarding the availability, organisation, accessibility and sharing of geo-data

Final Remarks Ministry of Environment and Forestry Özlem ESENGİN monitoring the environmental indicators efficiently increasing interoperability among different studies together with reducing duplication of efforts.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Ministry of Environment and Forestry Özlem ESENGİN