platform for the implementation of NAIADES
platform for the implementation of NAIADES Inventory of Bottlenecks and Missing Links on the European Waterway Network Andreas Bäck Deputy Project Coordinator of PLATINA
33 Agenda Overview of PLATINA Inventory of Bottlenecks
44 Agenda Overview of PLATINA Inventory of Bottlenecks
5 PLATINA … is a project within the 7 th Framework Programme for Research, Technology Development and Demonstration is aimed at coordinating and supporting research activities and policies runs from 06/2008 to 05/2012 consists of 22 partners from 9 different countries is organised around the five NAIADES action areas is strategically guided by key industrial stakeholders, associations and Member States administrations
7 Work package leaders Work PackageWP Leader WP1 Marketsvia donau (Austria) WP2 FleetVoies navigables de France (France) WP3 Jobs & SkillsBundesverband der Deutschen Binnenschiffahrt (Germany) WP4 ImagePromotie Binnenvaart Vlaanderen (Belgium) WP5 InfrastructureDienst Verkeer and Scheepvaart (Netherlands) WP6 Technical Secretariatvia donau (Austria)
8 Selected achievements (1/3)
9 Selected achievements (2/3)
10 Selected achievements (3/3)
11 Upcoming lead event
12 Agenda Overview of PLATINA Inventory of Bottlenecks
13 Main Objectives of Task Preparation of an up-to-date inventory of the current status of bottlenecks and missing links in Europe with reference to the UNECE's revised “Blue Book” (published in 2006). Leader for this task: Roeland van Bockel Dienst Verkeer and Scheepvaart (DVS)
14 Definitions according to the Blue Book Basic bottlenecks: "sections of E waterways whose parameters at the present time are not in conformity with the requirements applicable to inland waterways of international importance", i.e. inland waterways of class IV. Strategic bottlenecks: "other sections satisfying the basic requirements of the class IV but which, nevertheless, ought to be modernized in order to improve the structure of the network or to increase the economic capacity of inland navigation traffic." Missing links: "such parts of the future network of inland waterways of international importance which do not exist at present."
15 Workflow for preparation of inventory Obtaining status information on basis of template by PLATINA Experts Bottlenecks listed in the UNECE “Blue Book” Missing links/Basic Bottlenecks/Strategic Bottlenecks Bottlenecks not listed in the UNECE “Blue Book” Validation by national authorities Compilation of Report
16 Waterway section (AGN waterway number) Waterway class info Description of the bottleneck Geographical location, status quo, reference to strategic infrastructure development documents etc. Type of physical problem(s) Physical infrastructure restrictions: Fairway dimensions (depth, width, radius of curves) Lock capacity and lock chamber dimensions Bridge clearance Lack of or insufficient waiting areas Type of shipping problem(s) Nautical and economic problems: Reduced draught of vessels (due to limited fairway depths) Prolonged travel times (due to restricted lock capacity, speed limits, overtaking and/or bypassing restrictions etc.) Reduced container capacity per vessel (mainly due to low vertical bridge clearance)
17 Waterway section (AGN waterway number) Waterway class info Status of solution Not under preparation Pre-project phase (project identification/validation) Project defined and agree upon Implementation phase (construction works) Incorporated in national transport master plan/strategy document Planning horizon for removal of bottleneck According to information published by national authorities or other official bodies (please cf. further information on this category provided following this table): Project finalised before 2025 Project finalised after 2025 Exact year (when known) Unknown (no official information received or available)
18 Waterway section (AGN waterway number) Waterway class info Costs for removal of bottleneck Estimated or exact project costs according to information published by national authorities or other official bodies and subdivided into costs for project preparation (e.g. feasibility studies) and for actual construction works, e.g.: Study/studies: amount in EUR Construction works: amount in EUR To be determined (no official information received or available) Co-financing by the EUEU co-financing granted or planned according to information published by national authorities or other official bodies and subdivided into costs for project preparation (e.g. feasibility studies) and for actual construction works, e.g.: Yes (for feasibility study: type of EU fund) No Unknown (no official information received or available)
19 Thank you for your attention ! Andreas Bäck via donau – Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft mbH PLATINA Project Office Brussels
platform for the implementation of NAIADES