Welcome! Life After the Civil War
Life After Reconstruction War on the Frontier Cattle Kingdom King CottonNew Instudtry Oil Industry Bonus Question: 5000 pts
Frontier: 200 Question: Buffalo hunters killed buffalo primarily for their Answer Their hides and tongue
Frontier:400 Question: The Treaty of Medicine Lodge Creek failed because Answer The U.S. government failed to keep its promises
Frontier: 600 Question: African American troops who protected many of the frontier forts were called Answer Buffalo Soldiers
Frontier: 800 Question: Diagram Use the diagram to answer the question Answer Native Americans are forced to live on reservations in Indian Territory.
Use the diagram to answer the question The event in Texas history belongs in the center boxbox
Frontier: 1000 Question: President Ulysses S. Grant’s peace policy toward the Native Americans followed the Answer Quakers
Cattle: 200 Question: The first cattle trail was Answer The Chisholm Trail
Cattle: 400 Question: In the second half of the 1800s this was the larges ranch in Texas Answer The XIT Ranch
Cattle: 600 Question: The development of this technology made it possible to pump water from the ground Answer The Windmill
Cattle: 800 Question: Method of transporting cattle from ranches in Texas to market Answer Cattle Drive
Cattle: 1000 Question: This product ended the open range Answer Barbed Wire
Cotton: 200 Question: Because the Civil War was fought primarily in other states, Texas suffered little Answer economic damage
Cotton: 400 Question: The invention of the steel plow was important because it Answer Was stronger and longer lasting than an iron plow.
Cotton: 600 Question: Tenant farming the only way for many farmers to survive because Answer Most farmers could not afford to buy their own land
Cotton: 800 Question: Producing almost all the goods needed by the farm family, with a little extra for sale, is known as Answer Subsistence Farming
Cotton: 1000 Question: Being unable to pay off one’s debts year after year creates Answer Cycle of Poverty
New Industry: 200 Question: These industries benefited from the railroad Answer Cattle, Coal and Lumber
New Industry: 400 Question: Situation in which employees stop working until their demands are met Answer Strike
New Industry: 600 Question: Lumber companies sometimes paid workers in Answer Scrip
New Industry: 800 Question: Because transportation was slow and expensive this came slowly to Texas Answer Manufacturing came slowly to Texas
New Industr: 1000 Question: A major factor in the industrialization of Texas Answer Railroads
Oil: 200 Question: In which Texas town was the first significant oil reserve discovered Answer Corsicana
Oil: 400 Question: A chemical made from petroleum or natural gas Answer Petrochemical
Oil: 600 Question: Flowchart Answer Refining and Distributing Oil
Q: Best title for this flowchart Pipelines carry oil from oil wells to refineries. At the refineries the oil is heated to become steam. The substances contained in the oil, such as gasoline, are separated into different products As the steam cools, each Substance becomes liquid again. Trucks carry the oil products from the refineries to consumers.
Oil: 800 Question: Discovered the largest oil field in the world in 1902 Answer Anthony Lucas
Oil: 1000 Question: the government step in to regulate the oil industry because Answer Overproduction caused prices to drop.
Bonus Question: 5000 pts. Question: Three advantages of working in an industry instead of on a farm? Answer had steady incomes, usually earned more money than farmers, had social life.
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The Winner Of The Last Round Winner Write Down How Much Money You Are Willing To Risk If You get the Question write you win that money If you get it wrong you Loss the money!
Daily Double Question: Visual Answer (The answer here!)
Daily Double Question: The Reconstruction Act of 1867 was passed in response to Answer most Southern states’ refusal to approve the Fourteenth Amendment.