BPVS Photovoltaics in the Berkshires Renewable Energy Summit June 7, 2005 Christopher Derby Kilfoyle, BPVS, Adams, MA www. bpvs.com
Spring 2005 Total Installed Capacity Berkshire County: kW 1980’s -1990’s -Early adopters -8 kW First Grid Connect System- New Marlborough-D. Fenton WMECo Solar Avenue Program-4 kW –MTC/RET Programs and Grants kW Other-7.6 kW BPVS Institutional-79 kW Grid connect homes-24.2 Stand Alone-8 kW 2.4 kW Grid Connect Wilson System, Lanesboro MTC- WMECo Solar Ave. Grant
BPVS Williamstown Elementary School 24 kW MTC Green Schools Program
BPVS PV Capacity is Versatile 1.2 kW Off Grid Home Meiklejohn-Clarksburg 200 watt Dedicated Load Water Pumping Caretaker Farm, Williamstown
BPVS Massachusetts PV Products- Global Leadership 7.2 kW Array – Williams College- RWE-Schott Modules and Mounts MTC- CET Berkshire Cluster Grant
BPVS Cunningham Residence- Southfield 1.2 kW array with Solectria Inverter MTC- BPVS SMI Grant
BPVS Net Metering- WMECO and MECo Dinerman Residence- Lee MTC-BPVS-SMI Grant
BPVS Berkshire Expertise Sam Vince- Williamstown Wire Inspector Williamstown Elementary School PV Electronics Clarksburg, Florida, Great Barrington, Lanesborough, Lee, Lenox, Monterey, New Ashford, New Marlborough, North Adams, Pittsfield, Richmond, Tyringham, West Stockbridge, Williamstown.
BPVS Early Adopters- Stephen and Leanore Congdon Richmond MA
BPVS Congdon Production *System Expansion in Sept 2001
BPVS Knowles System- Lenox Passive Solar Home with both Hot Water and PV Panels MTC-BPVS SMI Grant
BPVS PV Near Term Challenges Industry: Meet Increased Demand & Decrease Costs Expand Infrastructure, Become User & Installer Friendlier Codes: NEC ® National and MA Electrical Code is current Ma Building Code 780 CMR needs to recognize PV better Interconnections: Network Distribution Feeders ( eg. Downtown Pittsfield) Uniform Metering protocols. Policy: National Net metering & Federal leadership for a level playing field with conventional generation. Weaning the Industry from construction subsidies and promoting a commercial market for Clean Energy Production. Global Competitiveness Strategies
BPVS Gratz-Piasecki 2.4 kW system-W. Stockbridge MTC-BPVS-SMI Grant