Chapter 2 Seeing the World Like a Geographer World Geography Chapter 2 Seeing the World Like a Geographer Essential Question: Why do Geographers use different types of maps to show the world?
Geographers use maps for many purposes Map Titles show the content/theme/topic of the map There are many types of thematic maps (to figure out a map’s theme look at the title and map key)
There are two categories that geography and maps fall under: Physical Geography-Climate, Vegetation, Physical Features Human Geography- Political, Economic Activity, Population Density, Religion, Language
Physical Geography….
A Physical Features map shows landforms and bodies of water See page 28-29 to see a diagram of several Landforms and Bodies of Water
A Climate Zone map shows long term weather/temperature patterns See page 31 for a Climate Zone map of Australia
Climate Zones pg.30-31 Ice cap: very cold all year with permanent ice and snow Tundra: very cold winters, cold summers, and little rain or snow Subarctic: cold, snowy winters and cool, rainy summers Highlands: temperature and precipitation vary with latitude and elevation Marine West Coast: warm summers, cool winters, and rainfall all year Humid Continental: warm, rainy summers and cool, snow winters Mediterranean: warm all year with dry summers and short, rainy winters Humid Subtropical: hot, rainy summers and mild winters with some rain Semiarid: hot, dry summers and cool, dry winters Arid: hot and dry all year with very little rain Tropical Wet and Dry: hot all year with rainy and dry seasons Tropical Wet: hot and rainy all year
A Vegetation Map shows the type of vegetation (plants) that grow in an area See page 33 for a Vegetation Zone map of North Africa
Vegetation Zones pg.32-33 Ice Cap: permanent ice and snow; no plant life Tundra: treeless plain with grasses, mosses, and scrubs adapted to a cold climate Coniferous Forest: evergreen trees with needles and cones Mixed Forest: a mix of coniferous and deciduous trees Deciduous Forest: trees with broad, flat leaves that are shed before winter Temperate Grassland: short and tall grasses adapted to cool climates Chaparral: small trees and buses adapted to a Mediterranean climate Desert Scrub: small trees, bushes, and other plants adapted to a dry climate Desert: arid region with few plants Tropical Grassland: grasses and scattered trees adapted to a tropical wet and dry climate Broadleaf Evergreen Forest: tall trees with large leaves that remain green all year Highlands: varies by elevation
Human Geography….
A Population Density shows how crowded a place is. See page 35 for the Population Density of China
An Economic Activity map shows land use (how people make a living) and natural resources (which can effect the economy) See page 37 for the Economic Activity of Europe Types of Land Use: Hunting and Gathering, Subsistence Farming, Commercial Farming, Nomadic Herding, Livestock Raising, Commercial Fishing, Forestry, and Trade & Manufacturing Resources: Coal, Hydroelectric Power, Iron, Natural Gas, Petroleum (oil), Precious Metals (gold, silver, copper), Uranium
7 Regions of the World
Why do geographers divide the world into regions? Each region has certain distinct physical features and unique human characteristics Another type of human geography map you should be familiar with is a Political Map (shows boundaries of states/countries)
What is the theme of the following map: Climate Zone Vegetation Zone Population Density Economic Activity Political Physical Features
What is the theme of the following map: Climate Zone Vegetation Zone Population Density Economic Activity Political Physical Features
What is the theme of the following map: Climate Zone Vegetation Zone Population Density Economic Activity Political Physical Features
What is the theme of the following map: Climate Zone Vegetation Zone Population Density Economic Activity Political Physical Features
What is the theme of the following map: Climate Zone Vegetation Zone Population Density Economic Activity Political Physical Features
What is the theme of the following map: Climate Zone Vegetation Zone Population Density Economic Activity Political Physical Features