1 Rainer von Ammon CITT CENTRUM FÜR INFORMATIONS- TECHNOLOGIE TRANSFER GMBH Teaching event processing Proposal for Master degree in Event-Driven BPM and discussion about academic courses related to event processing
2 Rainer von Ammon Agenda (1)Why a new and special course of study „ED-BPM“ (2) A proposal for a curriculum (3) Which university would like to host the course? (4) Teams for developing the course / eLearning units (5) How to finance the development of the course? (6) Course development schedule
3 Rainer von Ammon Why a new and special course of study „ED-BPM“ The forecast of David Luckham… … we need skilled people at least up to 2050… … we are only at the end of the period of Simple CEP
4 Rainer von Ammon Why a new and special course of study „ED-BPM“ The warning of Roy Schulte/Gartner since 2006… …we won‘t have enough skilled people who would be able to do all the jobs and projects The statement of Mani Chandy/CalTech at the Gartner Event Processing Summit 2007… …The work of IT during the next twenty years will be to complete the evolution of business processes from sequences of slow-moving, disjointed applications to more responsive end-to-end, event-based straight-through flows of action.
5 Rainer von Ammon monitoring of time-critical bottleneck factors and transaction control transparency over integrated represented processes representation of the effects of system availabilities and -disturbances process and system- linked emergency and disturbance management monitoring of SLA-compliance Workflow Management Business Process Monitoring Managing and monitoring of processes mean...
6 Rainer von Ammon passwdchange new auto pay account login deposit activity history withdrawal logout account login account balance transfer deposit new auto pay enquiry logout passwdchange new auto pay account login deposit activity history withdrawal logout account login transfer deposit new auto pay enquiry logout event cloud with thousands of events per sec… …e.g. above a bank The whole picture and what it really means: Monitoring Business Processes and Activities Sensor 2 Sensor 1 event patterns and complex event processing… The important steps: 1. Redesign the business processes for SOA and BPM 2. Make a SOA, identify services, build WSDL-interfaces… 3. Precise description of patterns of events 4. Detecting patterns in the event cloud 5. Abstraction of complex event pattern instances to higher level events
7 Rainer von Ammon The Pain Point: The Event Cloud, the IT-Blindness and the „Event Tornado“ Often even additional events are needed for BAM and a better Business Insight Today‘s existing event cloud and the IT-blindness … … BusinessProcess 1 BusinessProcess n … exitService_1 startedService_1 startedService_3 exitService_3 startedService_2 exitService_2 startedService_4 exitService_4 startedService_6 exitService_6 startedService_5 exitService_5 startedService_7 exitService_7 startedService_8 exitService_8 Low level events without semantics Visualization of the processed/correlated events via Business Activity Monitoring
8 Rainer von Ammon AppServer Monitor / Analyze / Act Workflow Modeler Event Modeler Enterprise cockpit Event Store realize scenario process instances set parameters analyse history… Low Level Event Clouds / Streams Adapters e.g. RFID, topics of Pub/Sub, … Normalized events, build business level events Workflow Engine based on BPEL Rules Engine „special“ SQL resp. other languages IF … AND … FOLLOWED BY… WITHIN… ACTION Model ^= Scenario e.g. credit offers (completed) e.g. paymentscalculate pott, offer rates, profit… workflows The Challenge and the Principle of BPM/BAM/CEP Domain specific reference models for event patterns
9 Rainer von Ammon A proposal for a curriculum Master-Course Event-Driven Business Process Management Draft V Description: Curriculum together with required credits and examinations Certificate: Master of Science Programme Duration: Four Semesters (120 credits/cr)
10 Rainer von Ammon A proposal for a curriculum Concept: The course consists of the fields of study Business Process Management, Complex Event Processing, Business Activity Montoring included Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing, Computer Networks, Messaging as well as several application disciplines like Algorithmic Trading, Supply Chain Management in the retail domain, fraud detection in the banking and insurance domain etc. All courses are completed with course-related tests and Credits (cr) according to European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) are awarded. All courses are given in English and are designed as distance learning/eLearning courses.
11 Rainer von Ammon A proposal for a curriculum Concept: … In the first three semesters, 30 cr per semester have to be earned and 18 cred h are to be taken. The fourth semester is dedicated the master thesis (30 cr). Courses: Basics of Event-Driven Business Process Management (30 cr) Five Seminaristic Lectures (5 x SeL 2 cred h + Lab 4 cred h + PS/Pr 6 cred h) 30 cr Application disciplines of Event-Driven BPM (60 cr) 10 Seminaristic Lectures (10 x SeL 2 cred h + Lab 4 cred h + PS/Pr 6 cred h) 60 cr Basics of Application Domains and Scientific Working (?? cr) ??10?? Seminaristic Lectures (??10?? x SeL 1 cred h + Lab 1 cred h + PS/Pr 6 cred h) ??20?? cr
12 Rainer von Ammon A proposal for a curriculum For more details see: Mastercourse-EDBPM-v01.doc Mastercourse-EDBPM-v01.doc
13 Rainer von Ammon downloadable / applicable for all universities of the world for instance: Freie Universität Berlin Which university would like to host the course?
14 Rainer von Ammon Teams for developing the course / eLearning units Potential team members who could contribute materials and/or work as editors, see table on page 3: Mastercourse-EDBPM-v01.doc Mastercourse-EDBPM-v01.doc You could add, delete or move your name wherever you want of course Some have already confirmed!
15 Rainer von Ammon How to finance the development of the course? We asked the BIBB Nationale Agentur Bildung für Europa beim Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung Curriculum as part of our EU project proposal DoReMoPat? but in the best case we could start 2010 Financed/sponsored by the industries, vendors, adopters…? …
16 Rainer von Ammon Course development schedule First next step until „8th Expert Meeting BPM/BAM/CEP/SOA/EDA“ Runtinger Säle, Regensburg/Germany December 8-9, 2008 Full catalogue of course modules according to this template
17 Rainer von Ammon F INALE Suggestions welcome! Please send to: Dr. Rainer v. Ammon Centrum für Informations-Technologie-Transfer (CITT) GmbH Konrad-Adenauerallee 30 D Regensburg tel: fax: