Population Genetic Hardy-Wienberg Law Genetic drift Inbreeding Genetic Bottleneck Outbreeding Founder event Effective population size Gene flow
Population Genetics Genotype, phenotype locus, genotype frequency, allele frequency
Determining the genotype for an enzyme in a fish.
IDHP (isocitrate dehydrogenase) from a grasshopper Individuals AA aa Aa
Genotype and Phenotype Genotypes AA, aa (Homozygous), Aa (Heterozygous) Phenotype trait X = AA and Aa, trait Y = aa Alleles A and a If p = proportion of allele A and if q = proportion of allele a Then p+q = 1 Knowing p and q the Hardy-Wienberg Equilibrium gives the expected frequency of the three genotypes as: (p+q) 2 = p 2 +2pq + q 2 = 1 AA = p 2, aa = q 2 and Aa = 2pq
Hardy-Wienberg Equilibrium Assumptions Population size is very large Random mating is occurring No mutation is taking place No immigration (geneflow) No selection is occurring
Genetic drift
Inbreeding A alleles common by descent
Effective population size Founder effect Genetic bottleneck Outbreeding depression Gene flow