Summer Student Questionnaire We gave the 2001 CERN Summer Students a questionnaire. Here are the questions and an analysis of their answers
You probably know that, along with the Summer Students Program, in CERN there is a High School Teachers Program. It would be great feedback for us teachers if you students would answer honestly the following questions by drawing a circle around the letter of your choice: 1. What motivated you to follow Physics? a) My natural interest / curiosity. b) Home or relatives. c) Friends. d) Teachers. e) Media. f) Popular books. g) ______________________________________ 2. What role did (most of) your high school physics teachers play in your decision to follow Physics? a) Positive. b) Neutral. c) Negative.
3. I think that (most of) my high school Physics teachers a) loved Physics and loved teaching. b) loved Physics and hated teaching. c) hated Physics and loved teaching. d) hated Physics and hated teaching. 4. If there was at least one high school teacher who stimulated your interest, how did she/he achieve it? (You can choose more than one answer here). a) By connecting everyday life with Physics. b) By using experiments. c) By her/his enthusiasm in the classroom. d) By informal talks outside the classroom. e) By recommending a good popular book. f) ________________________________________ 5. In what country did you go to high school._________________