Beowulf & The Epic by The Beowulf Poet Patterson English IV Original painting by Susanne Iles
Epic A long, narrative poem that deals with a hero’s adventures and deeds
Some Basic Rules The hero, generally a male, is of noble birth, high position, or of great historical or legendary importance The hero, generally a male, is of noble birth, high position, or of great historical or legendary importance
The hero ’ s character traits reflect important ideals of society
The hero performs courageous, sometimes even superhuman deeds that reflect the values of the era. The hero performs courageous, sometimes even superhuman deeds that reflect the values of the era.
► The actions of the hero often determine the fate of a nation or group of people
The setting is vast in scope often involving more than one nation
TTTThe poet uses formal diction and a serious tone
Major characters often deliver long, formal speeches
The plot is complicated by supernatural beings or events and may involve a long and dangerous journey through foreign lands
The poem reflects timeless values such as courage and honor
The poem treats universal themes such as good and evil or life and death
Characteristics of an Epic Oral tradition Epithets- “the swift runner” Epic similes- look for them to extend over several lines!
Central Motifs Honor Honor Fate/destiny Fate/destiny Even heroes aren ’ t perfect! Even heroes aren ’ t perfect!
A brief history of Beowulf After the fall of Julius Caesar, Rome lost control of Britain (55AD) With Rome gone, Britain was vulnerable to invaders. Several tribes invaded from Northern Europe: the Angles, the Saxons, the Jutes. Beowulf takes place on mainland Europe among the Danes (from Denmark) and the Geats (from Sweden)
Beowulf Nephew of Higlac (King of the Geats) Although there is no record of Beowulf actually living, Hygelac was a historical figure somewhere around 525 AD. It is believed Beowulf is set not long after this date.
What was life like in 6 th century Europe? Christianity not yet adopted Warrior culture respected loyalty, great deeds, strength, and courage People gathered in mead halls to dink mead and listen to tales of heroes
The Story Probably performed by a poet-singer in a chant, accompanied by a harp Story came into language in 8 th -10 th century (after the conversion to Christianity) Originally written in old English and had to be translated The Mead Hall of Valhalla
Old English First page of Beowulf manuscript Old English (OE) existed until approximately 1100, when the Middle English period started.
Middle English & Beyond The Middle English period lasted until approximately the year 1500, when we transitioned to Modern English. Shakespeare wrote near well into the Modern English period! His language is NOT Old English! Old English readingl