Liceo Scientifico Statale G. Berto – Vibo Valentia - Italy Socrates – Comenius 1 Project School Self Evaluation Results of questionnaire on parents’ satisfaction School - year 2006 / 2007
The school building is safe 34% 43% 23%
The school tries to fight and prevent youth deviance phenomena (bullism, alcoholism, drug abuse, smoking) 20% 48% 32%
The school offers my child the necessary conditions to learn 60% 34% 6%
The school helps my child to grow as a person 53% 41% 6%
Attending this school will help my child to achieve future success 63% 30% 7%
The school offers my child a wide range of curricular and extra-curricular activities 39% 43% 18%
The school helps my child to become a good citizen 45% 10%
My child enjoys attending the school 53% 35% 12%
I have no difficulties to contact the headmaster and/or the teachers on any school issue 75% 18% 7%
I have no difficulties to contact the school administrative offices 80% 16% 4%
Total percentages 52.2% 35% 12.8%
Suggestions to improve the school : Teachers should follow courses on psycology Teachers should encourage students much more Teachers should give students higher marks Ask the province council for a gym and more classrooms please Greater mutual understanding between teachers and students
Suggestions to improve the school : Check competences of some teachers please! Be stricter against bullism Fine students who smoke in the school toilets Punish students when they go on strike! More discipline, please!
Suggestions to improve the school : Fair evaluation Better relationships between teachers and parents More NICT No branches More hygiene
Suggestions to improve the school : Sex education Drugs and alcohol prevention More information on extra-curricular activities More citizenship education More remedial teaching
Suggestions to improve the school : Less homework More vocational and career guidance A meeting hall More organization
Suggestions to improve the school : ECDL for every student Better scheduling of extra-curricular activities to allow commuting students to take part