Data collection compiled by Anna Bączkowska 2 Questionnaires Interviews Accounts Observation tests
questionnaires compiled by Anna Bączkowska 3 Planning a questionnaire Decide the objectives Decide the population and the sample Generate topics/concepts and data required to meet the objectives Decide kinds of measures Write questionnaire items Pilot the questionnaire Administer the questionnaire
types of questionnaire items compiled by Anna Bączkowska 4 Closed - Dichotomous - Multiple choice - Rank ordering - Rating scales - constant sum - Ratio data Open -participants write a free account to explain and qualify their responses and avoid the limitations of pre-set categories
Scales of data compiled by Anna Bączkowska 5 You need to adopt a scale of data: - nominal (indicate categories) -ordinal (indicate order: high, low; first, last, etc.) -ratio (indicate values, e.g. marks in a test)
Scales of data 2 compiled by Anna Bączkowska 6 Question type level of data Dichotomous questions nominal Multiple choice nominal Rank ordering ordinal Rating scales ordinal Constant sum question ordinal Ratio data questions ratio Open-ended questions word-based data
Dichotomous questions compiled by Anna Bączkowska 7 Sex (please tick) Male Female Do you prefer didactic methods to child-centred methods? Yes No Advantages: -Codes responses quickly - Good funnelling device for subsequent questions - E.g. If you answered ”yes” to question X, please go to question Y
Multiple choice questions compiled by Anna Bączkowska 8 -Categories must be DISCRETE, i.e. should not overlap or mutually exclusive) - Guidance should be provided whether only one answer can be ticked (single answer mode) or several (multiple answer mode) - Are quickly coded Number of years in teaching 1-5 6-12 25 + Which age group do you teach at present? Infant primary secondary sixth form only
Rank ordering compiled by Anna Bączkowska 9 There are options to choose from (as in multiple choice) Asks respondents to identify priorities (unlike in multiple choice) Please indicate your priorities Students should enjoy school [ ] Teachers should less homework [ ] Students should be tested more [ ] Teacher should use more varied activities [ ]
Rating scales compiled by Anna Bączkowska 10 Categories need to be discrete They need to exhaust the range of possible responses Senior school staff should teach more [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 1=strongly disagree; 2=disagree; 3=neither agree nor disagree; 4=agree; 5=strongly agree
Rating scale – semantic differential compiled by Anna Bączkowska 11 Semantic differential is a variation of a rating scale Two adjectives are put at each end of a scale Respondents circle their answer How useful do you consider these slides? Useful useless
Constant sum questions compiled by Anna Bączkowska 12 Respondents are asked to distribute a given number of marks between a range of items Enables to identify priorities Respondents consider the relative weight of each aspects Distribute 10 points for aspects of your personality: Talkative [ ] Cooperative [ ] Hard-working [ ] Lazy [ ] Attentive [ ]
Ratio data question compiled by Anna Bączkowska 13 - no fixed answer or category is provided Respondents puts in the numerical answer that fits his/her exact figure Enables averages and statistics to be calculated How much money do you have in the bank? __ How many times have you been late for school? __ How old are you (in years)? __