DREEM QUESTIONAIRE COULD NOT PREVIEW RESIDENCY ADMISSION GRADES IN AN OSCE – BASED TEST Maria do Patrocinio Tenorio Nunes Thelma S. Okay Júlio Cesar de Oliveira Cristina H. F. Fonseca – Guedes Joaquim Edson Vieira UNIVERSITY OF SÃO PAULO SCHOOL OF MEDICINE São Paulo BRAZIL
UNIVERSITY OF SÃO PAULO SCHOOL OF MEDICINE São Paulo BRAZIL OSCE Performance as a Residency Admission Test - to provide selection for Residency programs to a public Hospital in Brazil.
Photos OSMAR BUSTOS CREMESP Graduated Doctors around the country From: 60 different Schools 21 different States -264 positions as a Resident -21 Residency Training Programs
E2 Applying Test (Two phase tests) PHASE 2 Selection Process Phase 1 - Writing test (3.000 candidates) Phase 2 – OSCE Based Test (600 candidates) 2 stations for Internal Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Gynecology-Obstetrics and Social Medicine (each)
INTRODUCTION DREEM indicates the school’s learning and teaching climate One could expect to see some correlation between school’s climate and OSCE performance
OBJECTIVE Correlation between DREEM score and OSCE performance in a Residency Admission Test
CASUISTIC and METHODS 50 items DREEM questionnaire 314 recently graduated physicians Performance on Observed Structured Clinical Examination – OSCE Comparison (correlation) between OSCE and DREEM score at the same population
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Statistical analysis: Pearson Correlation’s test (DREEM scores X OSCE grades)
Actress patient Candidate Observer RESULTS
Domain of DREEM questionnaire OSCE GRADE Student’s Perception of Learning Internal Medicine Student’s Perception of Teachers Surgery Student’s Academic Self Perceptions Pediatrics Student’s Perception of Atmosphere Gynecology-Obstetrics Student’s Social Self Perceptions Social Medicine 30,363,2% Dundee65,8% 28,865,4% Dundee65,8% 21,466,9% Dundee64,3% 31,966,43% Dundee68,6% 18,164,51% Dundee65,4% Dundee score Dundee%
Domain of DREEM questionnaire Perception X OSCE score (Pearson’s coefficient) Student’s Perception of Learning Internal Medicine r = 0,24 Student’s Perception of Teachers Surgery r = 0,16 Student’s Academic Self Perceptions Pediatrics r = 0,16 Student’s Perception of Atmosphere Gynecology-Obstetrics r = 0,21 Student’s Social Self Perceptions Social Medicine r = -0,016
Perceptions Correlation (Pearson’s coefficient Student’s Perception of Learning Student’s Perception of Teachers Student’s Academic Self Perceptions Student’s Perception of Atmosphere Student’s Social Self Perceptions Student’s Perception of Learning r =0,66r =0,71r =0,73r =0,64 Student’s Perception of Teachers r =0,60r =0,72r =0,56 Student’s Academic Self Perceptions r =0,78r =0,71 Student’s Perception of Atmosphere r =0,70
DISCUSSION Perceptions reached a good correlation DREEM scores have not been corelated to an expected performance
CONCLUSION Students’ perception of school’s climate seems not to have influenced clinical examination performance for Residency admission It should be considered: the selection particularity of the test candidates from many different schools