Samantha Vnook
There are many different types of cloning. The three main ones that are most common are: 1) Recombinant DNA technology. 2) Reproductive cloning. 3) Therapeutic cloning. Cloning is described as different processes for duplicating biological material. it became the new phenomenon when Scottish scientists created the sheep “Dolly”.
Recombinant DNA Technology is also known for many other names like: DNA cloning, Molecular Cloning, or Gene Cloning. The process for this type of cloning is as follows: You transfer the DNA fragment from one organism to the self- replicating genetic element. The DNA will then reproduce into the foreign host cell. This type of cloning has been around since the 1970’s, and is very well known in practice of molecular biologists today.
Therapeutic cloning is also referred to as embryo cloning. It is defined as the production of human embryos for use in research. The point of Therapeutic cloning is not to clone human beings but to harvest stem cells to further study humans, and human disease. The process of Therapeutic cloning is as follows: eggs are taken from women’s ovaries. They are then stripped of all their genetic material. Stem cells are extracted from the egg after it has divided for five days from being injected with the chemical Ionomycin. They will then insert a skin cell into the egg to act as the nucleus. This process will destroy the embryo, this causes an uproar and many ethical concerns. The researches hope that by doing this process it will further expand their treatment and knowledge for heart disease, Alzheimer’s, cancer, and other diseases.
Reproductive Cloning is a technology used to generate an animal that has the same nuclear DNA as another existing animal. The famous sheep Dolly was created by reproductive cloning technology. The process of reproductive cloning is called somatic cell nuclear transfer, it is performed when scientists transfer genetic material from the nucleus of a donor adult cell to an egg whose nucleus, and genetic material has been removed. When the new cell is formed it must be shocked with either chemicals or electric currents to stimulate cell division. When the cloned embryo has reached the stage of developing it is transferred into the uterus of a female host where it will continue to grow until birth.
Recombinant DNA is Important for learning about other related technologies like: gene therapy, genetic engineering of organisms, and sequencing genomes. Reproductive cloning can be used to reproduce animals with special qualities. Which could lead to better human disease research. It also can be used to repopulate endangered species that are difficult to breed. Therapeutic Cloning technology with further research and study will be used in humans to produce whole organs from single cells or to produce healthy cells that can replace damaged cells in disease as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson's.
1)Cloning would reveal how the cells of the early embryo regulates gene function. 2)Cloning research will help fight genetic disease. 3)Cloning could help transplants by cloning organs for transplant therapy. 4) Help infertile women have children.
1.Cloning is expensive and more than 90% attempts fail. 2.The animals that are cloned tend to have lower immunity functions, which puts them at higher risk for disease and infection. 3.The animals also don’t live long enough to collect data on clones age. 4.The clone will often be born with both physical and mental defects.
Many people are against cloning because they believe it is immoral. You should not take nature into your own hands. For example, humans are made in the image of God and are created to be individual and unique. You are created to be unique and valued, not treated like something that can be traded or sold. People also believe that using embryos in research does not give them a chance to grow to full maturity, like every human is awarded to do. Using them only for the DNA is not right, they are considered people, and by killing them it is the same as killing full grown adults.
Cloning is a very costly experiment. The projects that scientists work on are not always successful. Many of the cloning processes bring up many ethical issues. Should a human be cloned? Should we clone organs for transplants or let nature take it’s course? Should science interfere with conception? Many questions arise about the subject of cloning.
IN THE PAST In the late 1800’s the first successfully cloned animals were created by a scientist named, Hans Dreisch. Hans Dreisch did not want to create identical animals, but he wanted to simply prove that genetic material is not lost during cell division. He experimented on sea urchins, He started his experiment by taking a 2 celled embryo of a sea urchin and shook it in a beaker of sea water until the two cells separated. Each grew independently, and formed into a separate, sea urchin. By doing another experiment in 1902 with salamanders, scientists proved that no genetic material was lost when they divided adult cells. This was known as a “fantastical experiment”, successfully they removed genetic material from one adult and used it to form another adult.
Present Cloning is advancing day by day, especially in the pharmaceutical industry. Cloning is being practiced in a lot of university labs. Biotechnology companies have already found a way to clone live stock. Cloning is used by many companies to reproduce genetically identical animals to produce nutrients. The clones of these animals give more nutritional milk and meat. Some types of mammals that have already been successfully cloned are: horses, pigs, rabbits, cats, cows, and sheep. Scientists are working on making cloning a more easier process, so people will be able to do anything from producing genetically superior animals to saving endangered species of animals.
in the FUTURE Cloning has come along way since the 1800’s. New organizations have come together and thought of ideas to help us in the future. For example the Red Cross began a cloning project regarding pigs to help organ donors. People have also thought of the idea of cloning would help endangered species that are so rare they could never re produce a whole species on there own. The ability to clone a cell’s DNA is the greatest discovery of the 20th century. As time progresses on many new cloning methods will help us fight incurable diseases. Scientists hope one day that therapeutic cloning can be used to generate tissues and organs for human transplants. If we have this ability the demand for organ donors would drop drastically and many people would be saved from a life threatening disease everyday.
Scientists soon hope that using the technology of Therapeutic Cloning, we will be able to successfully clone a human organ used for a transplant. In order to do this is the DNA would be taken from the person in need of a transplant, and then injected into a egg where the nucleus has been removed. After the egg has began to divide, the embryonic stem cells can be transformed into any type tissue that can be used. The tissue or organ that has been created has to genetically match the person receiving the transplant or the fear of rejection might occur. You will then have a successful transplant, and if this process works the need for organ donations would be greatly reduced.
THE BIG QUESTION: Many of the experiments that scientists had have studied only 1 or 2 out of 100 experiments worked. Most of the attempts that have been made on cloning animals have failed. 30% Of the cloned that have been born are affected with “large offspring syndrome. Many other cloned have died due to severe infections and other complications. This might not be such a trouble with animals, but having the chance to create a healthy, normal human is not likely. Much more research has to be done on successfully cloning a human using Reproductive Cloning Technology.
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