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Presentation transcript:


STRUCTURE OF THE POEM Forty – four lines of a single stanza. The single stanza is divided into two parts and separated by the conversation.(Line 1 – 13 and Line 16-45). It has rhyme scheme : a heroic couplet of two succeeding rhyming lines. It is a blank verse. Enjambment/Run-on lines : Line 6-7, 16-18, 22-23, 26-27,etc. Caesura : Lines 6,9,14,16,30,38,41,43 etc

DICTION OF THE POEM. The choice of words is simple with words like ‘blood’, ‘hell’, ‘pains’, ‘weeping’, ‘courage’ etc though there are few difficult ones like ‘glee’, ‘groined’, ‘sullen’ and ‘parried’. The language is full of imagery like the vivid description of hell and portrayal of a wasted life while on earth. Words are used to paint pictures in the mind of the reader in these instances. The dramatic concepts, words and nature of the poem shape the diction of the poem.

TONE OF THE POEM. Since the poem centres on warfare or warring, it is expected that the tone should be that of sorrow, pain, anguish and frustration of a wasted life. The strange friend and his cohorts in hell ‘groaned’ as they sleep. Also he lift ‘distressful hand’ and flashes a ‘dead smile’. The tone of surprise of seeing his former enemy in hell. ’with piteous recognition’. ‘I am the enemy you killed, my friend’. In all, the tone is a culmination of pain, frustration, surprise and regret especially in regards to the strange friend.

THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS! ASSIGNMENT Find any three poetic devices in the poem and give two example each. With appropriate quotes, give a brief account of the poem. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS!