Heredity Review
Heredity – Mitosis/Cell Division Cell Cycle Mitosis..structure of chromosome Regulation –Density Dependent –Density Independent –G o, –Kinase –Cyclin –Cyclin Dependent kinase Plants vs. Animals
Heredity – Meiosis Synapsis Homologous Chromosomes Crossing Over, Chiasmata Meiosis I vs Meiosis II Males vs. Females Genetic Variation –Independent assortment –Crossing over –Random mating (of gametes)
Heredity – Mendelian (the monk and assistant) Dominant Recessive Co-dominant Incomplete Dominance
Heredity – Morgan (the fly guy) Gene Linkage Chromosome Map Sex Linkage Barr Bodies Epigenetics
Heredity – Probability P, F1, F2 Generations Rule of Multiplication – be able to calculate Test Cross Non conventional inheritance patterns (actually, the norm!) –Incomplete vs. codominance (are you pink or striped?) –Multiple alleles (blood type) –Epistasis (one gene alters another; skin color) –Pleiotrophy (one gene – many traits; sickle cell anemia) –Polygenic Inheritance (body height) –Linked Genes (sex linked examples) –Epigenetics (environment vs. genome) –Genomic Imprinting (mom or dad?) –Nondisjunction (oops) Chi Squared
Book Problems See p tips and problems See page problems
Heredity – Molecular Basis DNA – Structure –Nucleotide Nitrogen Base (pairing, identity) Phosphate (charge) (Deoxy) Ribose (five carbon sugar) –Purines, Pyrimidines Explanation of pairing rules 3’, 5’??????????????? –Euchromatin vs. heterochromatin Satellite DNA
Heredity – Molecular Basis Replication –Primase –topoisomerase –Polymerase –Helicase –Ligase –Single stranded binding proteins –Primer –Leading/lagging strand –Proof-reading Okazaki
Heredity – Molecular Basis DNA vs. RNA –Chemical differences –Functional differences
Heredity – Molecular Basis Transcription –mRNA, Transcription factors, RNA polymerase –TATA box –Post transcriptional processing 5’ cap Poly A tail Introns Exons –Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic
Heredity – Molecular Basis Translation –mRNA, rRNA, tRNA Codon mRNA Anticodon tRNA amino acid Reading genetic code Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic
Heredity – Molecular Basis Regulation of Gene Expression –Transcription factors –mRNA processing –Eukaryotes steroid hormones Euchromatin vs. heterochromatin Review structure of chromosome (ch 19) –Prokaryotes operon Lac operon vs. trp operon –Promoter, operator, structural genes
Inducible (lac) Repressible (typ) Transcription of the gene: regulation in prokaryotes
Transcription of the gene: regulation in eukaryotes
What can go wrong?? –Point mutation Non-sense mutation – premature stop codon Mis-sense mutation – wrong amino acid (sickle cell) –addtion/deletion/substitution –Frame shift mutation –Thymine dimers – UV radiation Heredity – Molecular Basis
The product of the p53 gene (p53 protein) inhibits the cell cycle and allows time for DNA repair mechanisms to operate. Deficiencies in this cell cycle inhibiting pathway could promote cancer Heredity – Oncogenes – p53, RAS
Some proteins encoded by proto-oncogenes and tumor-suppressor genes are components of cell signaling pathways The Ras proto- oncogene (G protein) is part of a cell cycle stimulating pathway. A mutation making this pathway abnormally active could result in cancer
Heredity – Biotechnology –Viral modes of survival –Biotechnology Cloning –Transformation »Plasmid »Antibiotic Resistance –PCR Gene splicing –Restriction digests »Restriction Enzyme –Electrophoresis Gene Silencing –Knockout genes –iRNA Stem Cells vs. Cancer Cells!!