Sexual Reproduction The connection between the continuity of life and the diversification of living things!
Review of Meiosis When does crossing over occur? Which is more like mitosis—meiosis I or II? When do homologous chromosomes separate? When do sister chromatids segregate?
Review: What are 3 ways meiosis increases variation?
Crossing over… When does it occur? What does it allow? What did the Sordaria lab show about frequency of crossing over? –Genes closer to centromere –Genes closer to tips of chromosomes
Terminology and Mendel’s Law of Segregation Male vs. Female Key Terms: homologous chromosomes, autosomes, sex chromosomes Chromosome Number –Diploid 2n –Haploid n –In Humans?
Modification of Chromosome Balance Aneuploidy What are two ways a cell can end up with an inbalance of chromosomes?
Is aneuploidy always bad? Polyploidy-can lead to speciation of plants How might plants get an extra set of chromosomes?
Modification of Gene Expression at the chromosome level Chromosomal Mutations Modification of DNA within chromosomes and genomic imprinting (epigenetics)
X vs. Y chromosomes Do all animals have X and Y chromosomes?
X-inactivation Barr body Role of Methylation Connection to development…when does this happen?
Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment
Practice Essay Two forms of cell division have evolved. Both have similar mechanisms, however they differ in their overall outcome. –Discuss the similarities and differences between the two forms of cell division in terms of chromosome number and arrangement. –One form of cell division is essential to the diversity of living things. Explain multiple ways that this process has dramatically impacted the diversity of life.
Quiz…Mendel’s Laws and Chromosomal Inheritance Mendel didn’t really understand chromosomes…he just observed patterns. Explain to Mendel: –How his Law of Segregation leads to balance of chromosomes and how this balance can be upset –How his law of Independent Assortment allows so many possibilities from just one mating!
Animal Reproductive Systems Big Ideas 2 & 4: Organization of human reproductive system –Organ system level –Cellular level Structure meets function in the human reproductive system –Organ Level –Cellular Level
Homeostasis in Reproductive Systems Hormonal Control of the testes--Negative Feedback Using the same hormones with different targets to control the menstrual cycle Hormonal Control of Breastfeeding and Birth-- Postive Feedback Effects of artificial hormones on these feedback systems
Human Reproduction--Male Campbell’s Activity 46A Know the major tissues involved. Explain the role of structure and function in the testis Critical Thinking Question: How does a vasectomy work?
Human Reproduction--Female Campbell’s Activity 46B Know the major tissues involved. Explain the role of the oviducts (fallopian tubes). Explain how the structure of the oviduct allows for function. Critical thinking question- -Why is a woman most likely to get pregnant only 2-3 days a month?
Cellular Organization: Compare and Contrast Spermatogenesis & Oogenesis
Regulation in Males GNnRH FSH LH Describe the negative feedback How could taking anabolic steriods affect this system?
Regulation in females Role of –LH--lutenizing hormone –FSH--follicle stimulating hormone How do estrogens and progesterones relate?
Role of Birth Control in Altering Menstrual Cycle How does birth control “the pill” work? How do other forms of pregnancy prevention compare? What are concerns of life- long use of birth control?
Hormonal Regulation of Birth and Breastfeeding How is this an example of positive feedback? Why might positive feedback be necessary (vs. negative feedback)? How could labor be induced if a woman was beyond her due date?
Fertilization--An example of structure meeting function
In vitro fertilization…and the ethics of cloning What is IVF? What is the goal of large animal cloning? –GMO’s What are stem cell therapies?
Oh Dolly! Large Animal Cloning: –Purpose –Methods –Problems
Stem Cells: Therapeutic cloning technology
Have we solved the embryonic stem cell problems?
Brave New World In what ways has biotechnology brought us into a Brave New World of human reproduction? What are the ethical considerations?
Unity and Diversity of Sex in Animals Hermaphroditic –Some Lizards –Worms Asexual vs. Sexual When is it an advantage to be asexual? When do organisms exhibit a sexual lifecycle? –parthogenesis –Stickleback fish –insects
Quiz Yourself… How does the organization of either the male or female reproductive system allow for the function? How is reproduction regulated and can this natural regulation be affected? Is sex always an advantage? What is a case where it might not be advantageous for an animal to reproduce sexually?