Regenerative Medicine Society 13/05/2015 Preventative Medicine, Biotech & Bioinformatics Combat Degenerative Diseases
Introduction What is the aim of the group Advocate Regenerative/Preventative Bio-medical Therapies from Ireland Encourage Research and Development in Preventative Medicine and Cures to Combatting Age related and other degenerative diseases Public Education/Awareness of advancements in these areas of medicine/technology
Introduction Who we are: Brian Collins - Former Biotech Engineer/Analyst Founder of Regenerative Medicine Society Founder of Preventative Med & Biotechnology Group Barbara Cottier – Assistant & Administrator
Introduction Recent Developments Google Calico (September 2013) Longevity Inc (February 2014) In Silico Medicine (March 2014) Large Scale Corporate Development
Main Affiliations SENS (Strategies for Engineered Senescence)
Known Aging Mechanisms – SENS Aging Model Please note this list is not necessarily exhaustive
SENS Affiliations Some Leading Universities collaborating with SENS: Harvard - George Church – Gene Therapy and Cancer MIT-Robert Langer-Biomaterials, Stem Cells YALE - David Spiegel –Cardiovascular/Skin/Muscular Aging RICE University - Pedro Alvarez - Cellular Damage Cambridge-Mark Kotter- Stem Cell and Gene Delivery Moscow State University-Vladimir Sculachev – Mitocondrial Therapy Marie Curie University Paris - Marisol Corral-Debrinski - Mitocondria University of Tobingen - Graham Pawelec - Immunotherapy
Interested Therapies & Technologies Stem Cell Therapy and Organ/Tissue Growth Gene Therapy Immunotherapy and Immunosuppressants Biomaterials Molecular Enzyme and Hormone Therapy Proteomoic/Protein Expressions Nanotechnology Electronic Medical Diagnostics-Preventative diagnostics Bio Informatic General Preventative Medicine
Topic This Evening: Epigenetics & Epigenetic Therapeutics Science/Technologies: (epi)Genetics & interactions Gene & RNA Sequencing RNA interfacing Micro RNA Neurogenomics Epidrugs & Epitherapeutics
Recent Breakthroughs Role of Epigenetics on health, psychology, aging, gender & memory/intelligence Epigenetic cross generation influence Epigenetic interfacing, use of transcription factors & micro RNAs Development of RNA sequencing and epigenome Application of epidrugs & epigenetic therapeutics for cancer
Videos for the Evening Introduction to Epigenetics: Epigenetics Overview: Sens Confereence, Epigenetics & Agings Aging, Epigenetics & Blood Swap Epigenetics Cross generation Influence: Epigenetic Therapies for Cancer:
Recommended Resources More Information about SENS, Aging & Biology : Brain Gender: than-originally-thought-research-reveals Reverese aging by altering genetic expression: psychiatry/blood-revival-young-mice-reverse-aging-old Epigenetics & Depression: depression/ Epigenetics & Neural Plasticity/Memory:
Support Research in Ireland Fundraise relevant research in Ireland Provide platform for collaboration with our international colleagues
Raise Public Awareness Educational Initiatives Press Relations Documentaries National Education Petitions Webcasts Regular Guest Speakers Possible Publishing of New Book about development in this area of Medicine (for Lay readers)
PM/Regenerative Med Society Platform Meetups monthly (Parallel: Activity and Social Meetups) Social Media and Websites for information and activities to support this cause People required with Science (Biology, Medicine, Informatics/Programming, Engineering, Physics), Advertising/Event Promotion and people from all backgrounds actively welcomed
What to Do Now Sign up on Facebook, Meetup, and website (when functional) Invite ten others to join on Facebook Read up on relevant developments on Facebook and Website Invite interested friends to next Meetup Help distribute future /facebook petitions
Q & A
Why are we doing this? FUN! NOT FUN!