Demographics By: Mark
Income Farmers make less then 500 dollars a year President of Philippines makes less than average American Average Filipino makes less than 4000 Dollars a year The average American makes more than 10 times more 30% of Filipinos are farmers
Population Average population 92 million 7 th most populated place in Asia Most places are rural areas very poor
Calories Filipinos eat about 460 calories a small American meal Americans eat 2300 calories a day Filipinos malnutrition 3.68 percent of Filipinos die from starvation
Life span Male Filipino 68 Female Filipino 75 Male American 80 years old Female American 83 years old Death rate Philippines 5.02/100 Birth rate Philippines 25/100
Education % go to high school ( Philippines) 60% of Americans go to highschool 20% of Filipinos go to college 42% America go to college Philippines only 15,000,000 go to college
Harvest Near equator Hot and humid Not good for crops Many people are farmers
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