MSJC Stats Headcount Demographics Diversity Repeaters College Going Rates Assessment Success Rates On-Line LRC Transfers Programs MSJC Stats Headcount Demographics Diversity Repeaters College Going Rates Assessment Success Rates On-Line LRC Transfers Programs MSJC – R&P Dept. – XCHASX 6.5.9
Headcounts have increased significantly over the past decade MSJC Unduplicated Headcount* in 1,000 * Include credit and non-credit Source: California Community Chancellor’s Office Data Mart –MSJC R&PD – XCJH By Academic Year estimate 65% vs.18% CAGR 5% vs. 2%
% chg vs. yr ago CAGR for past 10 yrs % chg vs. 10 yrs ago Local CCC’s Headcount AY2007-’08 Local CCC’s Headcount AY2007-’08 Source: California Community College Chancellor’s Office Data Mart R&P Dept. XCJH
Headcount MSJC vs. CCC Statewide % Growth MSJC has experienced higher highs & lower lows than CCC statewide *Unduplicated and includes credit and Office Data Mart –MSJC R&PD – XCJH estimate
MSJC FA’08 enrollment broke the 17,000 headcount mark Source: California Community Chancellor’s Office Data Mart –MSJC R&PD – XCJH
The “% of cap” is increasing Source: MSJC D.S.S. as of Sunday 6.7.9, * based on 6 & 8 wk classes – MSJC R&P Dept. Sections1,7491,8251,6511,8261, % chg.4%11%-4%-59% Seats52,51854,65749,63154,22355,08814,4486,070 % chg.4%9%1%-58% FTES4,5555,4844,6245,3011, %15%-40%lllllll
Headcount* *Headcount at 1st Census, headcount maybe multi-campus/ DataTel (MSJC) & Data-Mart (CCCCO) numbers vary. DataTel is a snapshot of enrollment on a given date & does not include non-credit & includes 1st census only. Data Mart is the official CCCCO headcount. I-15 Corridor includes TEC (Temecula Education Complex) & Lake Elsinore (LEUSD) activity. Chaparral H.S. (TVUSD) activity is currently included in the MVC service area but will be included in the I-15 Corridor service area starting FA09 Source: MSJC DataTel/ MSJC R&P Dept. XCHASX % vs. SP’08 +21% vs. SP’08
Headcount* *Headcount at 1 st Census, headcount maybe multi-campus/ DataTel (MSJC) & Data-Mart (CCCCO) numbers vary. DataTel is a snapshot of enrollment on a given date & does not include non-credit & includes 1st census only. Data Mart is the official CCCCO headcount. I-15 Corridor includes TEC (Temecula Education Complex) & Lake Elsinore (LEUSD) activity. Chaparral H.S. (TVUSD) activity is currently included in the MVC service area but will be included in the I-15 Corridor service area starting FA09 Source: MSJC DataTel/ MSJC R&P Dept. XCHASX % vs. SP’08
*Include credit & non-credit, projections for headcount based on actual SU08 /FA08 (CCCCO-Data Mart) & SP09 estimate (XENR –DataTel), projection for FTES based on P2 Source: headcount, Fiscal Data Abstract FTES excludes non-resident. MSJC R&P Dept. XCHASX Projections +12% +13%
Estimated # of Students that live in MSJCD & Attend Neighboring CCC … students that live in our district attend other CCC...approximately 5% ( ) of our students live outside the MSJC District. … students that live in our district attend other CCC...approximately 5% ( ) of our students live outside the MSJC District. Source: Data is based on zip code or city location headcounts for FA’07 or FA’06 supplied by the respective CCC. The estimates should be used for directional and comparative purposes only. MSJC R&PD – C. Hawkins 8/10/08
MSJC - Age of Students By Academic Year MSJC… getting younger… 57% of all students are under 25 yrs. of age. Source: CCCCO Data Mart 6.8.9
MSJC - Age of Students Relative to Statewide AY 2007-’08 A larger % of MSJC students are < 25 relative to the statewide (51%). Source: CCCCO-Data Mart 6.8.9
Gender of Students AY 2007-’08 Females account for 6 out of 10 MSJC students & 54% of CCC students Females account for 6 out of 10 MSJC students & 54% of CCC students Source: CCCCO-Data Mart
Source: DataTel 3/10/08, based on SP07- 13,339 credit headcount Approximately ½ of MSJC students are 1 st generation college * Estimated using Federal TRIO Program 2008 Annual Low income Levels
MSJC HH Income Index (Calif. = 100) Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 – QuickFacts.Census.Gov Person below poverty14%4%7%14%17%20% 16% (1999) $47,493 $59,928 (2007)
MSJC - Student Ethnicity By Academic Year MSJC Hispanic population increased 6 pts. in the past 5 yrs to 28.9%. The Asian/Filipino population up approximately 3 pts. to 6.9% Black population up 2 pts. to 7.2% MSJC Hispanic population increased 6 pts. in the past 5 yrs to 28.9%. The Asian/Filipino population up approximately 3 pts. to 6.9% Black population up 2 pts. to 7.2% Source: CCCCO-Data Mart 3/21/08
MSJC - Student Ethnicity Relative to Riverside County & CCC Statewide – AY2006-’07 Source: CCCCO-Data Mart 8/8/8 MSJC & CCC Statewide AY2006-’07 / *U.S. Census Bureau - Riverside Co. and CA est.; MSJC R&P Dept. XCJH MSJC Hispanic population is slightly below CCC statewide average & underrepresented relative to Riverside Co.
MSJC Diversity Trend… since 2000 student diversity has increased by 15 pts to 47% as employee diversity increased by 10 pts. to 31% Source: CCCCO MIS Database –excludes White (57.7%-45.1%) & unknown(10.0%-8.4%) - MSJC R&P Dept Students Employees 341 out of 1,097 10,652 out of 22,895
College % Diversity EmployeesStudent Body Mt. SAC44%81% San Bernardino43%71% Long Beach38%69% Chaffey37%66% COD28%67% RCC35%59% Statewide33%56% MSJC31%47% Palomar24%42% MiraCosta24%41% Selected CCC - Diversity * Employee (FA’07) vs. Student Body (AY 2007-’08) Selected CCC - Diversity * Employee (FA’07) vs. Student Body (AY 2007-’08) *Excludes White & unknown - CCCCMIS Data Element Dictionary Source: CCCCO DataMart - Fall 2007, August 05, 2008 & AY 2007-’08 MSJCD R&P Dept. XCJH9.23.8
Source: CCCCO – AY 2007-’08 Data Mart – Student Services Program MSJC disabled account for 3.9% of the student body (903 students) slightly higher than the CCC state average.
Source: MSJC DSS MSJC Ws account for 1 out of 6 grades, W,D & Fs account for 1/3 MSJC Ws account for 1 out of 6 grades, W,D & Fs account for 1/3
2007 California College-Going Rates* by County Riverside County’s California College-Going Rate 38% is significantly below the California state average of 48%. * Public High Schools Source: California Postsecondary Education Commission - MSJC R&PD 12/4/8 Prior yr.42%57%45%38%36%
2007 California College-Going Rate by Unified School District 7 of 8 MSJC feeder H.S. Districts are below state average. * State % includes public H.S. only; districts includes public & private Source: California Postsecondary Education Commission - MSJC R&PD 12/4/8 Prior yr.45%28%26%20%38%33%12%34%37%
MSJC Students % Assessed into DEV Total # Assessed into DEV: 2,725 1,650 3,276 1,299 On average, 95% of all 1st time students that were assessed, assess into a DEV courses, ‘below college level’ course (course sections #s < 100) Source: MSJC- IT MIS DataTel WO# XBRO.BSI.Report
MSJC - Students % Assessed Below College Level Source: MSJC- IT MIS DataTel WO# XBRO.BSI.Report The % of students assessing into Developmental Educational (DEV) English & math courses have remained relatively constant … 90% and 95%, respectively The % of students assessing into Developmental Educational (DEV) English & math courses have remained relatively constant … 90% and 95%, respectively English 98 or below Math 96 or below
MSJC - Students % Assessed Pre-collegiate Basic Skills 1 level below college level Only 3 out of 10 students assessed in pre-collegiate Basic Skills English & 1 out of 4 into pre-collegiate math Only 3 out of 10 students assessed in pre-collegiate Basic Skills English & 1 out of 4 into pre-collegiate math English 98 Math 96 Source: MSJC- IT MIS DataTel WO# XBRO.BSI.Report
MSJC - Students % Assessed Below Pre-collegiate Level Source: MSJC- IT MIS DataTel WO# XBRO.BSI.Report The majority assess 2 levels below college level English 62 or below Math 90 or below
The DEV course (section <100) success rate is least than 60% Source: MSJC- IT MIS DataTel WO# XBRO.BSI.Report All DEV Courses
The DEV math success rate is slightly above 50%... 60% for English Math English Source: MSJC- IT MIS DataTel WO# XBRO.BSI.Report
F2F success rate is consistently higher than DE MSJC Success Rate SP’05SP’06SP’07SP’08FA’04FA’05FA’06FA’07FA’08 F2F DE F2F-DE Source: Data Mart,
MSJC District Enrollment Share FTF Only vs. 1 or More Non-Traditional Class (Distance ED) On-Line... 1 out of 3 students is enrolled in at least 1 Distance Education (DE) class...the % of students enrolled in DE classes increased 10 pts. from SP’07 to SP’09. % of total enrollment Source: DataTel :R&PD – XCJH
MSJC District Activity FA06SP07FA07SP08FA08 # Visits46,33346,14450,99953,23057,264 Chg. vs. Yr. ago10%15%12% # Hours visited69,63274,87867,83179,17589,488 Chg. vs. Yr. ago-3%6%32% Headcount Chg. vs. Yr. ago (1) 6%9%11% % Visited unduplicated (1) SJC (1,400 visits/wk (2) )37%32%31%33%36% MVC (2,000 visits/wk (2) )41% 43% 40% LRC’s update FA’08 …visits district wide up 12% … & hours visited up 32% LRC’s update FA’08 …visits district wide up 12% … & hours visited up 32% Source: MSJCD MIS DataTel XKN, R&P Dept. XCJH (1) Students on 1 st Census day, (2) FA08 duplicated
Over 480 MSJC students transferred to CSU & UC, up 22% + 26%+ 9% + 22% AY 07-’08 % Chg. vs. Yr. Source: Ca. Gov -Postsecondary Education Commission - CPEC Transfer Pathways Charts- CPEC.CA.GOV –MSJC R&P Dept. XCH
AY 07-’08 over 480 MSJC students transferred to CSU & UC, up 22% AY 07-’08 over 480 MSJC students transferred to CSU & UC, up 22% + 26% + 9% + 22% AY 07-’08 % Chg. vs. Yr. CSU Total UC Source: Ca. Gov -Postsecondary Education Commission - CPEC Transfer Pathways Charts- CPEC.CA.GOV –MSJC R&P Dept. XCH
MSJC Programs Supplemental Instruction (SI) Workshops Tutoring On-Line Tutoring (Smarthinking) Early Alert Math 41/42 1 Minute paper Cooperative Teaching STEM Grant MSJC – R&P Dept. – XCHASX 6.5.9
Source: MSJC MVC Math Coordinator – Janice Levasseur Compiled: MSJC R&P Dept. – XCHAS Ext Benefits of SI … increased course grades decreased % of withdraws increased success rates
37 SI Elements: Courses – historically difficult courses SI Leader – passed course with an ‘A’ – paid for attending all classes with current class – does not re-lecture – leads/facilitates discussion – shares study strategies – viewed as a peer Sessions – ‘ two’ one hour sessions per wk – planned around students Session – group participation Participant – attended at least one SI session – attendance is voluntary Source: MSJC MVC Math Coordinator – Janice Levasseur Compiled: MSJC R&P Dept. – XCHAS Ext
38 Grade Distribution SI versus Non-SI group FA’06/SP’07/FA’07/SP’08/FA’08 Successful completions in the SI Group far exceed the Non-SI (40%). Success Rate Source: MSJC MVC Math Coordinator – Janice Levasseur Compiled: MSJC R&P Dept. – XCHAS Ext
39 Grade Point Average SI versus Non-SI group FA’06/SP’07/FA’07/SP’08/FA’08 SI participants grade avg. of 2.5 was 0.6 (over 1/2 grade) higher than the Non–SI. Source: MSJC MVC Math Coordinator – Janice Levasseur Compiled: MSJC R&P Dept. – XCHAS Ext
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