Declining birth rates The next graph will show the declining birth rates in may parts of the world and how family sizes dwindled from the 60s up to today.
Population Demography The graphs show the population per age groups, male and female in selected countries. Please take note that the next generation composed of the children today are supposed to assume the management and operation of industries. Their decline in number will mean closure of some companies and even industries for lack of manpower. This the result of their selfish Family Planning Program in the sixtees when they decided not to share their wealth to more people (their own offsprings) and even imposed strict immigration laws. Now they need OFWs to run their industries.
United Kingdom (38.7) Netherlands (38.7)Italy (41.4) Spain (39.1)France (38.6)Germany (41.7)
Singapore (36.2) Japan (42.3) Thailand (30.5) Hong Kong (39.4)
China (31.5) USA (36) Australia (36.3) Canada (38.2) >80 yrs old 1.16M of 32.6M
What seems to be the Problem? The middle part of the population demography graph, those from the age 20 to 65 is the Work Force; while those above 65 are the retirees who are no longer productive, relying on FREE Medicare and social security; and lastly those below the age 20 are the children of school age, relying on the Work force for their education, food, etc and is supposed to replace the Work Force in the next generation to take care of their social security and medicare. Since their number has declined, they won’t be able to generate enough income and provide the budget to take care of the needs of the elderly in the future. This is the result of the selfishness of the proponents of Population Control.
On the other hand, the population demography in the Philippines remain ideal as the next generation is being prepared to assume the responsibility of carrying the torch for their generation. However, because of our poor economic condition, other countries will benefit from their skills and talents..
In the years to come, our heroes, the OFWs will spread their influence all over the globe and help shape the world, in Leadership, Friendship and Service.
Population growth is not a problem if we only know how to manage our manpower resources properly. The ultimate beneficiaries of Population control are the Pharmaceutical Companies selling Birth control products, the Condom manufacturers who will harvest the budget of the gov’t for this purpose because of legislation called the RH Bill. Worst, it will also mean a decline in the moral standards of our people as safe sex is now being encouraged. We don’t need the RH Bill. What we need is Good Governance and put an end on Graft and Corruption, once and for all.
Mabuhay ang mga Filipino !