Session 12. How to Establish Diversity in Conferences.


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Presentation transcript:

Session 12

How to Establish Diversity in Conferences

OPENING PRAYER All-inclusive God, you call us to be in relationship with one another and promise to dwell wherever two or three are gathered in your name. In our Society of St. Vincent de Paul we are many different people; we come from many different places, have many different cultures. Open our hearts that we may be bold participants in finding the treasures of diversity among us. Let us see through the eyes of a child. We pray in faith. Amen.

INTRODUCTION Having diversity in conference life can be a source of both enrichment and tension. Diversity, however, should never damage our unity, but instead it should bring us closer together. We should not only integrate new members in the Conference, but also fully include them in the Vincentian family, spirituality and love. We must help each other with acceptance and respect.

INCREASE AWARENESS OF DIVERSITY Ten practical suggestions on how to increase awareness of diversity in our Society and Conferences: 1. Share stories of your own families backgrounds. 2. Visit the website for the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops and in particular the portion of this website that addresses cul­tural diversity hnp:// hnp:// 3. Share experiences of diversity and diverse Conferences and any materials developed for these purposes.

INCREASE AWARENESS OF DIVERSITY 4. Become aware of the major ethnic populations in your area through local demographic information and become acquainted with the cultural differences of those groups. 5. Identify different cultural groups and organizations in your area, visit them, and listen to their stories. 6. Committee at the National Council level on Diversity/ Multicultural Issues and Initiatives, supports and encourages the establishment of diverse Conferences, provides input, resources, workshops and other necessary information.

INCREASE AWARENESS OF DIVERSITY 7. Regional Vice Presidents are to assess the needs of their region, facilitate the dissemination of information on diversity, and encourage formation and training around this issue. 8. The (Arch) Diocesan/Central Council level is to establish a committee or appoint a person to oversee the formation of diverse Conferences and other Multicultural/Diversity Issues. 9. At the District Council level it is also necessary to have a person (perhaps the Vice President) act as the advisor on all Multicultural/Diversity issues. 10. Councils should sponsor diversity workshops using this handbook as a resource to raise awareness of members about these issues.

INCREASE DIVERSITY IN CONFERENCES Ten practical suggestions on how to increase diversity in our Conferences and/or how to create and support culturally diverse Conferences: 1. Friendship is an important part of our Society. 2. Invite young people, women, people from different ethnic backgrounds, different cultures, from other under-represented groups to a Conference meeting. 3. Before starting or renewing a Conference for diversity have a plan in place nor only for forming, but also for sustaining such a Conference.

INCREASE DIVERSITY IN CONFERENCES 4. It is important to inform the pastor, seek his support, and inform him how the Conference will operate. 5. Invitation to Serve is one of the most effective ways to form or to renew a Conference for Diversity. 6. Members must be aware of the language of the intended Conference members and understand cultural differences. 7. When forming diverse Conferences devote resources to ensure that diversity is being implemented effectively.

INCREASE DIVERSITY IN CONFERENCES 8. For Bilingual Conferences (i.e. English/Spanish), have a simultaneous interpreter at each meeting and during different activities, giving each member the opportunity to talk and participate. 9. For a Foreign Language Conference (Spanish, Chinese, Filipino, etc.) all meetings and information is to be in the language of the group. 10. Advice where there may be opportunities to form two Conferences - one that is English-speaking and one that is not.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel story

REFLECT AND SHARE: What particularly did you find helpful in the suggestions on Diversity? Why? What particularly challenges you? Why? What was your reaction to the final story of Our Lady of Mount Carmel? What did you take away from the story?

CLOSING PRAYER THE MULTICULTURAL FACE OF GOD Leader: In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, All: Amen Leader: Let us bless the name of God All: Who invites us to a life of wholeness Leader: Let us bless the name of God All: Who invites us to discover the unfinished self Leader: Let us bless the name of God All: Who mediates the spirituality of transformation. Reading: ( Matthew 19: )

End of Session 12