Why? (underlying causes of WWII) 1. Treaty of Versailles A. Germany lost land to surrounding nations B. War Reparations Victorious Leaders: Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau, and Woodrow Wilson during negotiations for the Treaty
Why? (underlying causes of WWII) 2. World-wide Depression A. The Depression made Germany’s debt even worse. B. Desperate people turn to desperate leaders 1) Hitler seemed to provide solutions to Germany’s problems Wallpapering with German Deutschmarks
Why? (underlying causes of WWII) 2. World-wide Depression 2) Hitler provided scapegoats for Germany’s problems (foreigners, Jews, communists,Gypsies, mentally ill, homosexuals). 3) Kristallnacht - vandalism and destruction of Jewish property, including synagogues.
Section 1-8 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party rose to power in Germany. Germans rallied around Hitler, who gained popularity by exploiting German concerns over the hard times there. They too had high inflation and unemployment. The frustration of the harsh terms of the Versailles treaty, in which Germany lost territory and made huge payments to the Allies, also gave Germans a reason to rally around Hitler. The Rise of Dictators (cont.) (pages 752–755)
Section 1-9 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Rise of Dictators (cont.) -In 1921 Hitler became chairman of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party (the Nazi Party). -The party members believed Germans were superior to all others. -The Nazis’ anti-Semitism, or hatred of Jews, drove them to discriminate against and persecute Jews. -Democratic rule ended in 1933 in favor of totalitarian rule. -All opposition was put down and the government controlled all aspects of people’s lives. -Hitler rebuilt Germany’s military strength and formed an alliance with Italy in (pages 752–755)